Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1090

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1090

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090 Looking Forward to Us Becoming A Family

Such an act of revenge would have been even more exciting if he had dealt with them both himself. But now, because of the appearance of this child, Kisa would not be able to go all out against Gilbert. So, he stared at Kisa’s belly with an icy look in his


“Uncle Adrien.” Peter suddenly called out to him.

Adrien’s face changed, and the icy look in his eyes vanished with an avuncular smile in its place. What is it?” Adrien looked at him.

Peter said, somewhat annoyed with a cigarette in his mouth, “I might have to go back to Oceanville after some time. Would you like to join me and meet my father? It seems like you guys haven’t seen each other for quite a while.”

Back to Oceanville?” Adrien thought for a moment and asked, “When?”

Peter glanced at Jolina and said, “After you wrap up this drama.”

“Not anytime soon. That is going to take twenty days or so.”

So, do you want to come along?”

‘I will have to see, then.”

“Alright.” With that, Peter stubbed out his cigarette and headed toward Jolina.

Adrien watched on and shook his head helplessly as Peter went. ‘It’s just a woman. Why make yourself so miserable? he thought to himself.

Suddenly, Sharon came toward him. “Uncle Adrien, are you thirsty? Here, have a drink.

Sharon handed a bottle of drink to Adrien with a beguiling face.

Adrien smiled at her. “Have you finished filming today?”

There’s one more scene, and right now, it’s an intermission,” Sharon said. “Why aren’t you spending time with my mom today? It’s so boring in the studio.”

Adrien deliberately let out an avuncular smile. “Your mom is busy fighting with your father over the properties. She is too busy to care about me,” he said. Something came to mind, and he continued, “The fact is I can take care of your mom. But, she has a big ego. She insisted on getting more money for herself before coming to me. She said she didn’t want me to think less of her. Don’t you think she is silly? I like her for her, not her money. Besides, I lack everything but money. She may not be able to win against your father.”

Sharon was secretly delighted upon hearing that, thinking that her mother had successfully charmed Adrien, and he would soon become her stepfather. So, she thought she had to show some sincerity in front of him, too. After all, he had no children, and his property would be hers, eventually.

With that in mind, she said, “I owned 30% of The Case Group’s shares, my mom 15%, my father 40%, and several executives of the company own the remaining 15%. Since Uncle Adrien is sincere to my mother, then mom and I will also express our sincerity to you. The day you and my mother get married, I will give my shares in The Case Group to you, and I hope that you will treat my mom with respect.”

“Come on, what is the point of giving me such a gift? Why are you just like your mom? I give you my word; I will marry your mom, but only after she and your dad get

a divorce.”

“I understand. My mom has also been working on the divorce with my dad, and it won’t take long.”

“Ha–ha, that’s good. I’m really looking forward to us becoming a family.” Adrien smiled at her dotingly.

Sharon was getting more and more flattered. She thought that with Adrien backing her up, she would regain her fame in the entertainment industry.

Adrien looked at her and glanced at Kisa’s belly with a flash of malicious look in his


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