Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1091

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1091

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091 So What If She’s Pregnant?

Adrien cleared his throat and called out to Sharon.

Sharon was about to leave when she heard his call. So, she smiled at him

ingratiatingly. “What’s up, Uncle Adrien?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to ask you, is it really impossible for you and Gilbert to be together again?”

She felt indignant and humiliated at the mention of this, and her resentment toward Kisa also rose instantly. Not wanting to lose face in front of Adrien, she resentfully said, “It’s all because of Kisa. At first, Gilbert and I were a match made in heaven. Even the media looked forward to it. But, ever since that woman appeared, everything changed. I hate to think of this. It’s that woman who stole Gilbert from me.

“That is really a bit of a shame.”

Sharon felt even more sorry for herself when she heard what Adrien had said. “Really, Gilbert treated me the best at that time. No matter what I did wrong, he never punished me. I was all he cared about. If Kisa hadn’t shown up, I would have been

the wife of GK’s CEO.”

“That’s really a shame.” Adrien pretended to be sorry. “I heard rumors about you and Gilbert when I was abroad, and I thought you guys were going to be a couple. If we were to become a family, then the entire entertainment industry would be ours.”

“Exactly. I just hate to think of Kisa!” Sharon felt even more sorry for herself and hated Kisa even more, the more Adrien talked about it.

Adrien glanced at her. “Don’t be too angry. I’m just saying. After all, Kisa is already pregnant with Mr. Kooper’s child. So, we can only dream about what we just said. In fact, Kisa is very lucky. Look how considerate Mr. Kooper is. He even told the director

to take care of her.”

Sharon stared icily at Kisa, who was resting on the recliner. Her eyes were filled with intense hatred. She gritted her teeth and gruffly said, “So what if she’s pregnant? It is still up in the air if she can give birth to the child.”

Adrien snickered but concurred, “Yeah, there are too many risk factors now.

Accidents happen every day.”

“Absolutely,” Sharon sneered, and a glimmer of viciousness flashed in her eyes. She had made a mistake in the beginning by letting Andrew and Ada live. Now, she would

never make the same mistake of letting this child live.

Peter stood in front of Jolina for a long time, but Jolina did not seem to notice him. She just looked down at her phone. Peter clenched his hands at his sides and said to her, “I’m going back to Oceanville.”

“Mhm.” Jolina responded indifferently, not even looking up.

Peter added, “If you are willing to go with me, I-”

“I’m not willing to.” Only then did Jolina look up at him. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m not going back to Oceanville with you.”

“Why? Isn’t your home in Oceanville too?”

“It’s your home that is in Oceanville. My home is just in a quiet little village. Even if I were to go back, it wouldn’t be with you.”

Peter’s face sank. His hands clenched tightly at his sides, and his muscles tensed up as if he would punch her at any moment. Jolina ignored him again, stood up, and headed to Kisa. Peter gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do about it. He just wanted to take her back to see his family, but she would not agree

to it.

Just as Jolina came closer to Kisa, she saw Sharon standing behind Kisa’s recliner, seemingly up to no good. She frowned. Not having time to worry, she rushed over and yelled at Sharon, “What are you doing?”

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