Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1096

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1096

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096 You’re Already A Laughing Stock

While Christopher was cursing Carolyn, Sharon suddenly showed up behind him and bellowed. His expression changed, and he spun around quickly. “Sharon? What are you doing here?”

“Heh, I’m in the studio all the time. Isn’t it normal for me to come over? Meanwhile, you came to the studio and bad-mouthed my mother. When you were in love with her, everything about her was good in your eyes. You even kicked this woman’s b*tchy mother out for her sake. Now that you’re not as good as others and can’t keep my mother in love with you, you speak ill about her in front of others. I have never seen a man who is such a loser and useless as you are.”

“That’s enough, Sharon. I’m your father.” Christopher’s face turned red. “Don’t assume that Adrien has sincere feelings for your mom. Look at the way your mom behaves now. Will a man as attractive as Adrien take a liking to your mom? Wake up and get on with your life.”

“Heh, just wait and see how Mr. Tanner spoils me and my mom. As for you…” Sharon glanced at Kisa’s tummy and sneered, “You can only use that little b*stard in her tummy to connect with the Kooper family. The point is, it’s still uncertain if you could make it. Compared to Mr. Tanner, you are not even close.”

“Sharon,” Christopher shouted in rage, raising his hand to slap Sharon, but his hand stopped mid-air as he could not bring himself to hit her.

Kisa sneered at the sight of that and thought to herself, ‘If it were me, he would have already slapped me. Since I was a child, he showed no mercy in beating me. Yet, he pampered Sharon. The only thing is that Sharon now despises him and is only interested in having Adrien as her father. How ironic!’

Kisa brought Jolina away, as she did not bother to watch the father and daughter argue.

Christopher opened his mouth, wanting to stop Kisa. But, seeing Sharon’s angry face, he held back. After Kisa left, he said to Sharon, “You misunderstood me. Building a connection with the Kooper family isn’t for me, but for you and your mom. When I become the grandfather of Gilbert’s child, my status in the business world will be no less prominent than Adrien’s. So, why do you need to suck up to Adrien? Besides, it’s still unclear whether he is sincere to you and your mom. Sharon, help me dissuade your mother from divorcing me. Otherwise, I will become a laughing stock in Calthon.”

Sharon sneered. “You’re already a laughing stock.” With that, she walked away without looking back, leaving Christopher stomping his feet in exasperation.

Kisa watched from afar and was sad to see Christopher’s current situation. ‘If my mom was still alive and saw Christopher coming to such an end, she would’ve probably laughed out loud.’

After work, Kisa planned to visit Lea, who she had not been able to contact since she left the hospital that day. Whenever she called Lea, her phone was either off or no one answered, which worried her. After leaving the studio, Kisa drove straight to Lea’s place.

Just as she reached Lea’s apartment, she saw a man walking out of the lobby with a woman in his arms. She recognized the woman as Lea right away. The man wore a mask, so she could not see his face. Seeing that Lea and the man got into a car and left, Kisa hurriedly started the car and followed them.

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