Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1097

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1097

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097 Low-born

In a high-end restaurant, Anthony glanced at Lea’s sad face and grunted in disgust, “I have taken the time to come out and have a meal with you, so don’t look so glum in front of me, okay?”

“I-I’m sorry.” Lea bowed her head, forcing a smile onto her pale face.

Anthony looked askance at her, feeling annoyed, as Lea had been strange in the past two days and would not allow him to touch her. If he did, she would look as if someone was trying to hurt her. Upset, he took out a cigarette and was about to smoke.

Lea suddenly whispered to him, “It’s better not to smoke. Smoking is not allowed here.

“Heh, you think I’m afraid of them? I can buy ten restaurants like this at once. Who dares to tell me to put out my cigarette?” he said in a huff.

Lea knitted her eyebrows, feeling a bit nauseous, but she was afraid to say anything. The smell of smoke kept wafting over, causing her stomach to churn. But, due to the fear of Anthony’s displeasure, she fought back the discomfort.

Seeing that she had not touched the food in front of her, Anthony said, “Eat up and gain some weight. You’re too thin.”

Lea pursed her lips, picked up her cutlery, and was about to cut the steak when the smell of smoke and the black pepper of the steak hit her nostrils. She could not stand it any longer and hurriedly stood up, covering her mouth. “Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom,” she said and then ran toward the lavatory. Anthony stared at her back in disgust. ‘What a buzzkill!’

Kisa sat in a quiet corner, far from Lea’s table. The man was sitting with his back to her, so she could not determine who the man was. But, looking from behind, she found that he looked familiar. While she

was thinking about changing her position so that she could take a good look at the man from the front, the man suddenly looked back to her.

Kisa panicked. She hurriedly lowered her head and stirred the coffee in front of her. She was wearing a mask and a hat, so she thought he would not recognize her. Kisa then raised her head a little and took a sideways glance at him. It shocked her when she found out that it was Anthony, which meant the baby that Lea carried belonged to Anthony. She could not believe Lea and Anthony were together. ‘Is Anthony using Lea to get to me?’ she asked in her mind.

Lea came back from the restroom at that moment. Kisa saw that Lea’s face was paler than earlier, and the way she looked at Anthony was even a little beguiling and fearful. Kisa’s heart sank, thinking that Lea could not really be in love with Anthony. Besides, a womanizer like Anthony would never settle for just one woman. Kisa frowned as a strong sense of worry rose within her.

Lea sat back in her chair and whispered to Anthony, “I’m sorry. I may have eaten something bad. My stomach hasn’t been feeling well.”

“Go see a doctor if you don’t feel well. Whose appetite are you trying to spoil by throwing up like that?” Anthony grunted, and there was always a glint of dislike in his eyes when he looked at her.

Lea lowered her eyes, pursed her lips, and was silent again.

Anthony hated her for her subservient, low-born look. He exhaled a ring of smoke and snorted, “Eat up. Leave if you don’t feel like eating.”

Lea clenched her hands and whispered, ” T-Then, let’s go.”

“This is so distasteful. Don’t ask me to take you out for a meal next time.”

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