Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1098

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1098

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098 To Find Other Women, of Course

Anthony growled in annoyance, got up, and walked out of the restaurant. Lea glanced at him as he left, and then she got up to follow him. Kisa also followed them out of the restaurant.

Back downstairs at Lea’s apartment, Kisa parked her car near an out-of-the-way flower bed that was several dozen feet away from Anthony’s car. Anthony did not park his car in the designated parking lot. So, Kisa knew he would leave after dropping Lea off. She waited quietly in the car, as she wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Lea afterward.

Anthony was smoking as he spoke to Lea. “Since Kisa has given you a day off, you should stay home and not move around in the meantime. When the time comes, I will take you back to Athadale.”

Lea tugged at the corner of her dress and cautiously asked, “Why are you taking me to Athadale now that I’m no longer of any use to you?”

Anthony frowned, seemingly annoyed. “When I tell you to go, just go. What’s with the nonsense?”

Lea pursed her lips and asked no more. She knew this was Anthony. She had to obey him without question.

Anthony tugged on his tie and grunted, “Get out of the car. I won’t be going up to your house.”

Lea took her handbag. She opened her mouth several times before she mustered the courage to ask him, “W-Where are you going?”

“Heh, to find other women, of course. I just can’t bear to see your miserable face all day long.”

Lea felt a pang of pain in her heart, but she said nothing more. She just took her handbag and quietly got out of the car. Anthony glanced at her, feeling inexplicably irritated. He then started the car, turned it

around, and sped off. Lea watched on as he went. She only turned around and headed for the first-floor lobby after his car disappeared from sight.

She thought of going to a place where no one knew her and giving birth safely. But, she still could not bring herself to leave that man. No matter how badly the man treated her, the love she had for him never changed. She knew the man did not remember that he had once saved a girl in the bar, and that girl was her. She was dragging herself into the lobby when suddenly, a call coming from behind startled her.

Kisa stared at Lea, who froze in place. “Let’s talk.”

In a small roadside restaurant, Lea was eating a bowl of ramen with gusto.

Kisa looked at her and smiled. “If you like it, have some more. You are having severe morning sickness in your early pregnancy, so eat whatever you can. Otherwise, the baby can’t get enough nutrition. By the way, I’ve been following you the whole time.”

Lea froze. She swallowed the ramen in her mouth and looked at her with a miserable expression. “I’m sorry to have kept it from you for so long.”

Kisa looked at her in bewilderment. “Why? Why would you be with a man like Anthony, a womanizer and pervert? Did he approach you deliberately? Or, did he force you or threaten you?”

“No, none of that.” Lea shook her head hurriedly.” He approached me first, and I was with him willingly.” “Why?” Kisa asked sadly. Just like what she had expected, Lea was truly in love with Anthony. “Because he saved my life,” Lea choked out. “When I was nineteen, a group of guys bullied me in a bar, and he saved me. If it wasn’t for him, you couldn’t even imagine what would have happened to me.”

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