Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1106

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1106

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1106

Chapter 1106 How Dare You Touch My Woman

It was too late for Shaun to dodge, and he was sent flying right off Kisa’s body by the punch.

Seeing that his woman’s clothes had been ripped open with only innerwear left inside, Gilbert was infuriated

“How dare you! I’m going to kill you!” Gilbert hissed and kicked Shaun several times in the abdomen and waist before he had a chance to get up. He lifted Shaun by the collar and growled, “How dare you touch my woman? How dare you?”


Shaun burst out laughing as Gilbert questioned him. His mouth was full of blood as he sneered at Gilbert “Your woman? Huh? Are you sure she is yours alone? I’m telling you, I have been with her for a long time

“Bestard” Gilbert punched him again.

However, Shaun laughed even more fervently and sarcastically. “You don’t believe me? Then, didn’t you notice that when I touched her, she didn’t even resist? To tell you the truth, it was she who came to me of her own accord, and we were having a romantic candlelight dinner. In fact, we have been together when we used the contract to trap you.”


Kisa’s mind was a muddle, but she heard Shaun’s slander. She wanted to defend herself, but the sound she made was soft and even disgracefully sultry.

Shaun snickered, “You heard her too, right? Look at her insatiable expression! If you hadn’t suddenly come in and spoiled the fun, she and I would have had a lot of fun. Don’t be so sure that she is pregnant with your child. It’s still questionable if the child is yours, hahaha.”

“I will kill you!” Gilbert shouted and pinned Shaun to the floor, kicking and punching him in a rage. Every punch and kick seemed to be aimed at killing him. But, the harder Gilbert hit him, the more frenzied Shaun’s laughter became.

“You loser. All you can do is take it out on me. If you got the guts, go beat up that b*tch! So what if you beat me to death? Without me, she will still find another man, and you can’t satisfy her, no matter what.” Everything Shaun said was aimed at challenging Gilbert’s red line. Gilbert had lost his mind at that moment. His eyes were hideous and ruthless, like a wounded beast.

Kisa was afraid of having someone killed. Besides, she was getting more and more sick, so she needed to get out of there as soon as possible. She struggled to get off the couch with all her strength, but her feet were weak. As her feet touched the floor, she almost fell to her knees. She held onto the coffee table and staggered over to Gilbert, then she tugged at his arm and said, “Don’t… Don’t fight…”

“What? You feel sorry for him?”

However, Gilbert was as mad as hell, yelling at her, then raising his arm and flinging her away. She was too weak to stand up, and she stumbled straight toward the coffee table.

Watching Kisa’s tummy hit the sharp corner of the coffee table, Shaun smiled triumphantly. He told himself that as long as he achieved his goal, such physical pain was worth it.

Kisa gasped in pain, but the pain made her sober up a little. The good thing was that she was not pregnant. Otherwise, she would have lost her baby from such an impact. She gritted her teeth, staggered up, and pounced on Gilbert again.

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