Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1107

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1107

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107 I Feel Terrible

Kisa tugged at Gilbert’s lapels to keep herself from falling Looking at his hideous eyes and face, she said, “Don’t fight Let’s go home, lets go home, okay?”

But, Gilbert did not seem to hear her as he continued to punch Shaun While he was doing it, Kisa, who was tugging on him, was shaken, getting more and more dizzy.

Suddenly, there was a puking sound as she threw up all the filthy contents of her stomach onto Gilbert’s body Only then did Gilbert calm down and looked at her, whose face was as pale as a ghost.

Seeing him finally calm down, Kisa said in a feeble voice, “I feel so terrible Let’s Let’s go home, okay?”


Gilbert answered in a deep voice, then he scooped her up in his arms and headed straight for the door

Shaun lay on his back, staring at the ceiling and laughing out loud. This is fun. I just saw the woman crash so hard that her stomach hit the sharp corner The baby won’t survive. It was Gilbert who pushed her just now. In that case, Gilbert was the one who killed his own child. So, Kisa will hate him. Boss, I have finally helped you accomplish what you have in mind,’ he said in his mind. Shaun was smiling with great satisfaction despite the wounds all over his body and face.

Gilbert shoved Kisa into the back seat and then got behind the wheel. He did not say a word and just

started the car in silence.

Kisa felt better after throwing up. Except for the burning pain that was still in her stomach, the feebleness and hot sensation were waning. I think vomiting has thrown up all the juice I accidentally

swallowed.’ She got up from the seat with difficulty and leaned back on the seat. After calming down her breathing, she

looked at Gilbert in front of her.

“Gilbert…” Kisa called out to him, but he did not respond So, she moved a little closer and called out to him again, “Gilbert…”

“Speak up!” Gilbert finally responded, but his voice was extremely cold, with a strong sense of anger

Kisa pursed her lips and then explained to him, “What Shaun said is nonsense. Anyone with a sound mind knows that it’s impossible for me to have any relationship with Shaun.”

Gilbert was silent again.

Kisa continued to explain, regardless of whether he was listening. “Shaun was trying to kill the baby’ in my womb, but what he didn’t realize was that I wasn’t pregnant at all. And, when he molested me, I didn’t

struggle because he forced me to drink a glass of juice that had been spiked After I drank it, I got dizzy and lost my strength.”

“Heh!” Gilbert suddenly sneered.

Kisa’s heart skipped a beat, and she clenched her hands. ‘So, he doesn’t believe me, does he? After all my explanations, he doesn’t even believe a word I said.”

“You were drowsy and weak just now. But, how come you are now sober and have regained your strength?

Gilbert suddenly said.

“That’s because…” Because she had thrown up the juice that was in her stomach. But, would he believe it? She did not know what to say. When he treats me well, everything is wonderful But, when he doesn’t believe me, nothing I say matters. So, she pursed her lips tightly and did not speak again.

There was a moment of disturbing silence in the car The car only came to a slow stop after a long while

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