Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1108

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1108

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108 How Could You Still Laugh?!

Gilbert was not in a hurry to get out of the car

Kisa glanced at him.

He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his fingers had turned white Maybe because he was incredibly furious, and he used a lot of force

“Why were you looking for Shaun in the middle of the night?”

The man finally initiated a conversation. However, his tone was interrogatory, icy, and angry

Kisa lowered her gaze and hesitantly said, “Because of Jensen. He said Jensen showed signs of regaining consciousness, and I believe him. So..”


Gilbert scoffed in an incredibly self-mocking manner

“You must care about Jensen a lot. Even though you knew that it could be a trap, you jumped right into it the moment you heard his name?”

“I just want him to wake up again. Besides, I didn’t expect Shaun to do such a thing.”

I also suspected that this was one of Shaun’s schemes. But, I thought he wouldn’t do anything to me since he needs me if he wants me to remain in GK Pictures. Who would’ve thought he’d do anything to kill the “baby” in my womb? Kisa thought.

Gilbert suddenly leaned into the chair. Then, he said in annoyance and self-mockery, “All that said, it’s my fault. Why wasn’t I the one who fell into the river? If it was me, you wouldn’t eagerly hope for him to

regain consciousness. If it was me, you wouldn’t be in this much pain!”

Kisa moved her lips and wanted to say something. Suddenly, she realized she could not speak.

‘I actually don’t want anyone to get into an accident like that. It has nothing to do with love and hate. I genuinely just want everyone to be safe and sound, thought Kisa.

“If I hadn’t rushed over in time just now, Shaun would’ve..” Gilbert suddenly spoke again in a tense voice.

Kisa quickly shook her head. “Of course not. Shaun already said he wouldn’t touch me. He was putting on a show to piss you off on purpose. Then, he’d use you to harm the ‘baby’ in my womb. It’s just he didn’t. expect that I’m not actually pregnant Ha-ha! If he found out he did so much and even got beaten up black and blue, yet I wasn’t even pregnant, would he lose his mind?”

“How could you still laugh?!”

The man suddenly turned to roar at her

Kisa pursed her lips and dropped her smile.

‘He’s right. I got set up and “molested” How could I still laugh? she thought.

Gilbert glanced at her unbuttoned shirt and snorted icily, “What? You’re addicted to showing some skin, and

you can’t bring yourself to button your clothes now?”

Hearing the man’s words, Kisa realized her shirt was still unbuttoned.

She quickly buttoned her shirt, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

Gilbert glared at her in exasperation. Then, he got out of the car himself.

The truth . after calming down, I’m also aware that this woman and Shaun couldn’t possibly have something going on But just now, when I saw her under that man, I was so furious I lost my sense of rationality If Kisa didn’t stop me, I would’ve made him physically disabled How dare hel How dare he touch my woman! But, seeing that woman grin in a self-comforting manner dissipated some of my anger What really pissed me off was this woman not telling me about it when she was going out in the middle of the night! If I hadn’t gone to her room to look for her, I wouldn’t have even known that she had secretly gone out, Gilbert thought.

Kisa swiftly buttoned her shirt and followed Gilbert out of the car.

Seeing her get out of the car, Gilbert quickly walked toward the house.

Kisa gazed at his cold back and pouted.

I’m going to have a hard time coaxing him again!’ she thought.

Kisa jogged up to the man.

“By the way, how did you know I went to look for Shaun?”


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