Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1109

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1109

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109 Did She Not Get the Hint?

Gilbert sat on the sofa. Then, he tugged on his collar in annoyance

He snorted icily. “I went to look for you in your room. Coincidentally, an anonymous person sent me a location, saying that you had gone there. So, I went to find you’

Kisa immediately understood that the person behind the anonymous text message was Shaun.

After the man spoke, he frowned deeply

He angrily continued, “You’re always like this You do everything alone Didn’t you think of telling me when you went to see that man in the middle of the night? You knew he might not have good intentions, yet you couldn’t bring me along, and we’d go together? So what if you brought me along if Jensen showed signs of regaining consciousness?”

The man’s tone was brimming with resentment.

Kisa lowered her gaze and lowly said, “I thought you were asleep, so I didn’t dare to disturb you.”


The man snorted, “You knew I’d look for you in the middle of the night. Did you think I’d sleep that early?”

Kisa was stunned. “You were going to look for me in the middle of the night? You didn’t mention that!”

Gilbert’s expression darkened. “When I left your room, didn’t I say I’ll work hard?”

‘Did this woman not get the hint?’ he wondered.

Kisa had a look of confusion. She actually did not get it.

The man frowned. There was an air of rage and resentment around him.

He took out his box of cigarettes, possibly out of habit. However, he glanced at her several times and stuffed it back into his pocket.

Seeing this, Kisa quickly said, “You can smoke. Go ahead. Don’t worry.”

The man snorted and did not move.

Kisa went up to him and took out his lighter and cigarette box from his pockets. Then, she placed the cigarette by his mouth in an ingratiating manner, “Here, let me light it for you.”

“Stop it! I don’t feel like smoking.”

Gilbert snatched over the cigarette box and threw it into the trashcan.

Then, he turned to her and asked in a slightly awkward tone, “Did… Did it hurt when you fell just now?”

Even though he was blinded by rage just now, he still remembered that the woman had violently fallen. onto the coffee table.

Upon hearing the man’s words, Kisa felt the aching pain in her abdomen again.

She responded glumly, “So, you do know that you flung me.”

‘Gilbert looked really scary when he was beating up Shaun just now He had such an enraged expression, like he was the devil himself. Come to think of it, he probably didn’t fling me that hard earlier. If his punches had landed on me, I’d probably have ended up in the emergency room this time,’ Kisa thought

“Are you hurt anywhere?” the man asked while pulling and inspecting her arm.

Kisa retracted her hand. “Well, my stomach did hurt a little It’s still hurting right now

“Your stomach hurts?”

Gilbert’s expression changed

“Why would your stomach hurt? Aren’t you actually not pregnant? Could you actually be pregnant but unaware of it?”

The man’s face became pale as he spoke.

Kisa shook her head in amusement. “How’s that possible? It was a heavy fall, so my stomach is bound to hurt even if I’m not pregnant.”

“Let me take a look.”

The man lifted her shirt worriedly.

Kisa wanted to shield him out of reflex. However, the man had already lifted the corner of her shirt.

A purple bruise on her abdomen came into view.

Gilbert frowned deeply. Then, he stroked it guiltily.


Kisa immediately hissed in pain, and she pulled down her shirt. “Don’t touch it, it hurts. It’s better to leave it alone.”

“Since you got hurt, doesn’t that mean you and I can’t fulfill our husband-and-wife duties in the upcoming days?”

Kisa’s expression darkened.

‘I got hurt, yet he’s still thinking about that. As expected, men are creatures that think with their lower body, Kisa thought.

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