Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1112

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1112

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112 You Got Some Nerve!

Mia crossed her arms and sat there, watching icily as Shaun made a fool of himself.

She snorted sardonically, “How thoughtful of you. You figured that Kisa would call me and ask, so you drugged my drink. You got some nerve!”

“I had no choice because it was my last resort. You’re always soft-hearted when it comes to Kisa,” Shaun said. He turned to Jensen and said, “Sir, I know she’s the woman you care about the most, so don’t worry. I only made her put on a show in front of Gilbert with me. I didn’t do anything to her.”

Jensen sat on the couch and smoked a cigarette. His once elegant face now looked cold and ruthless.

“I’m angry because you didn’t even discuss your plan with me before you executed it,” he said casually.

Mia immediately froze and turned to him.

‘Shaun did something like that to Kisa, yet Jensen’s angrier about Shaun not discussing the plan with him and not because Kisa almost got “molested” by Shaun? Jensen, oh, Jensen. Are you really this cruel and heartless now?’ Mia wondered.

Jensen exhaled a smoke ring and casually glanced at the injury on the man’s face. “What was the outcome of your plan last night?”

After hearing Jensen’s words, Shaun quickly stood up. Then, he leaned closer to Jensen and excitedly said, “Don’t worry, sir. The baby is definitely gone. Last night, I saw her get shoved by Gilbert. She fell onto the coffee table, and her stomach bumped into the sharp edge of the table violently. That way, Gilbert pretty much killed the child with his own hands.”

Jensen listened to Shaun quietly with an emotionless face.

Seeing his cold expression, Mia felt her heart go cold for a moment.

‘If this was before, he would be in a panic. He would’ve even killed Shaun to avenge Kisa. But now…” thought Mia.

She averted her gaze sadly.

‘I’d rather have him still in love with Kisa. At the very least, it would show that he still has feelings. But now, he’s heartless and even terrifyingly cruel,’ Mia thought again.

“Are you sure… the baby’s gone?”

While Mia was deep in thought, Jensen suddenly chuckled and asked Shaun.

Mia was startled. She turned to him out of reflex and saw him staring at the large TV screen on the wall.

Shaun nodded with certainty. “I’m sure. She fell really violently.”

Jensen was silent. He merely stared at the TV screen and smiled meaningfully.

Shaun’s expression changed slightly. He turned and followed Jensen’s gaze.

However, he promptly fell onto the ground.

“How’s this possible?”

On the TV screen, Kisa was getting interviewed by a group of reporters.

She had rosy cheeks and did not look like someone who had just experienced a “miscarriage”.

Shaun shook his head furiously. “That’s impossible! The child in her womb is definitely gone. She should

be in the hospital right now. She was even carried out by Gilbert when she left the place yesterday.” Jensen smiled slightly. “Your plan was so perfect! What was the point of last night if she didn’t get a miscarriage?”

Hearing this, Mia chimed in sarcastically. “That’s right. Do you think Gilbert will let you remain in GK Pictures after what you did to Kisa last night? You really dug your own grave this time!”

“No! There must be a mistake. Otherwise… Otherwise, she was never even pregnant. After what happened, her child couldn’t be alive!”

Jensen paused from smoking.

‘She’s not pregnant?’ he thought.

He lifted his gaze and peered at the woman on the TV screen. Suddenly, a dark glint flashed across his


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