Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1120

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1120

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1120

Chapter 1120 If It’s Gone, It’s Gone

Gilbert was burying his head in documents when a cry of grief came, startling him. He looked up, only to see Madalyn walk briskly in with George’s help.

Davian rushed over to help Madalyn. “What happened, Mrs. Kooper Sr.?”

“Gilbert, the baby is no more. My precious great-grandchild is no more,” Madalyn said with sorrow.

Davian’s expression abruptly changed.” What do you mean? You mean Andrew and Ada-”

Madalyn hurriedly pushed Davian away in disgust and shouted angrily, “Shut the hell up! Stop cursing my precious great-grandchildren here.” She shot a glare at Davian for good measure.

Davian had an innocent look on his face. What have I said wrong? It was she who said that her precious great-grandchild was no more, for God’s sake.”

Gilbert got up and walked over to help Madalyn sit down on the couch. “If it’s gone, it’s gone. The pregnancy was just an accident, anyway. It is enough that we have Andrew and Ada.”

He already knew everything that had just happened to Kisa. Now all the major entertainment platforms were reporting it, and he expected it was going to make it to tomorrow’s news headlines. But to him, this was not a bad thing-at least it solved the matter of Kisa’s fake pregnancy.

At first, he was thinking of working harder during this time to try to get Kisa to conceive, so that his grandmother would not think they were deceiving her. And by virtue of the child, his grandmother would treat Kisa better. But Kisa still did not have any feelings for him. Despite his efforts for so long, pampering her with everything and giving in to her, what she really wanted most was to kill him and take revenge on behalf of Jensen.

He lowered his eyes and forced a smile, telling himself to stop thinking about having a baby anymore.

“That’s not the same,” Madalyn said sadly. “I have always regretted not being able to see Andrew and Ada grow up as babies. When I thought I had another great-grandchild and it suddenly left, I couldn’t be sadder. Gilbert, tell me why this happened.”

Seeing his grandmother’s grieving face, he suddenly regretted letting Kisa fake her pregnancy. But he could not tell his grandmother the truth, or she would hate Kisa even more.

While he was thinking, Madalyn suddenly said, “It is Sharon’s fault. This time I will make sure that b*tch spends a few years in jail.”

“Come on Grandma, don’t be mad.” Gilbert patted Madalyn on the back and whispered, “Andrew and Ada are so wonderful, and there is also Blake, who is so understanding. Having the three of them is enough.”


“Every child is a gift from God. Let’s cherish what we have in front of us.”

Madalyn sighed and shook her head in disappointment. “Maybe I rejoiced too soon.” With that, she stood up and said to George, “Come on. Let’s go home.”

Gilbert looked at George. “Take care of Grandma.”

“Aye, Mr. Kooper.”

After George and Madalyn had left, Davian came up to Gilbert with his phone.” Mr. Kooper, I just realized that this happened to Mrs. Kooper.”

Gilbert took a glance at the phone screen in his hand and returned to his chair to continue his work.

Davian looked at him in surprise. ‘The photos in the news show Mrs. Kooper covered in blood. But why does Mr. Kooper seem so calm? What is going on here? His wife had a miscarriage, and should he be concerned?’

He pursed his lips, and then said cautiously. “Why don’t you go see your wife? I will take care of the rest of

the work.”

Gilbert flipped open a file. It’s okay. Let’s keep working.”

Davian glanced at him but did not dare to say anything else.

Shaun looked at the report on his phone and shook his head in disbelief.

“How could this happen? It’s impossible. It is not possible.”

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