Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1121

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1121

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121 Got Yourself Into Trouble

Mia sneered, “What is impossible? Sharon must have hit her harder than you did. Look at you; you are not even as good as that woman. Sharon knocked the baby out of Kisa’s belly with just a few blows. You, on the other hand, are just a smarty-pants who did nothing except get yourself into trouble.”

Shaun still had bruises all over his face and looked a little funny. He looked at Jensen. “Boss, there must be something wrong with this. I saw her bump her belly against the corner of the coffee table, and that blow was definitely harder than the one Sharon gave her-”

“That’s enough.” Jensen looked thoughtfully at the photos in the news. After a long moment, he said, ” Let’s leave it at that and not mention it again.”

Shaun was about to open his mouth to defend himself, but Jensen had already gotten up and left.

Inside the club, Carolyn paced back and forth in the lobby anxiously. After waiting for a long time, she got impatient and asked a bodyguard, “When is Mr. Tanner going to be available? Just tell him I’m here and ask him to come out to see me.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Case. Mr. Tanner is still in the middle of a business discussion with a client. Please wait a little longer.”

Carolyn looked at the time. She had been waiting for three hours and wondered how Sharon was doing at the police station. After she waited for another quarter of an hour, Adrien finally came out of the meeting room. The man beside him was probably his client.

“Adrien…” Carolyn called out to him at once as she rushed up to him.

A bodyguard stopped her. “Mrs. Case, please wait for a moment. Mr. Tanner will be with you as soon as he is finished.”

Adrien did not even look at her as he walked the client straight to the door.

After the client left, Carolyn hurriedly pushed the bodyguard away and threw herself into Adrien’s arms. Adrien, your bodyguards are so mean that they wouldn’t let me see you. You must punish them good and proper

“Fine, fine, I know.” Adrien patted her on the back and led her to sit down on this side of the couch. “Is there something urgent you want to see me about?” Adrien purposely asked when he saw Carolyn’s anxious face.

Carolyn took his hand and said, “It is about Sharon. Did you watch the news? That b*tch Kisa blamed Sharon for her miscarriage. Now Sharon has been taken away by the police and is probably being tortured. Adrien, do something to help her.”

Adrien frowned. “Aren’t police arrests are based on evidence? Do they have any evidence?”

“That old woman from the Kooper family got the evidence from somewhere, and the police took Sharon away after taking a look at it. But trust me, that evidence must be false. Sharon wouldn’t do something like that. It must have been Kisa who conspired with the Kooper family to frame Sharon. Adrien, do something.”

Adrien patted her on the back and comforted her. “Don’t worry. Tomorrow, I will use my connections and see if I can get Sharon out.”

“I knew you were the one who could do it, Adrien.” Carolyn instantly broke into a smile and looked at him with a growing look of admiration.

“Okay, stop crying. Look at your eyes, they are swollen from crying.” Adrien wiped the tear from the corner

of her eyes and said ambiguously, “Let’s stay here tonight.”

Carolyn lowered her head bashfully. “I didn’t really plan on going home tonight either. But Sharon-”

“Don’t worry. I have got a handle on it.”

Early in the morning, Christopher rolled up his sleeves and paced back and forth outside the club for a long time. Suddenly, an elderly man with a hideous face and a scruffy body, looking like a beggar, came out of the club and bumped right into him.

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