Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1122

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1122

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1122

Chapter 1122 The Pain of Cuckolding

Christopher frowned and brushed the non-existent dust off his clothes, as if disgusted by the beggar’s filth.

The beggar had a cigarette in his mouth and snickered at him. “What is the matter with that disgusted look of yours? Your wife has slept with countless beggars like us, yet you still have the nerve to feel disgusted with me?”

Christopher was furious and grabbed him by the collar. “What are you talking about? Tell me clearly.”

The beggar seemed to have suddenly remembered something and quickly shut up, then forcefully swatted away Christopher’s hand and ran to the side of the road. He then looked back at Christopher and sneered at him. “Stop thinking you’re superior to us just because you are rich. You are now the biggest cuckold in town. Hahaha!”

Christopher was so angry that his face darkened. Carolyn hasn’t come out all night. That b*tch must have been doing something sleazy with Adrien. But I just did not expect that even a beggar would laugh at me. Have I really become the laughingstock of the whole of Calthon? Damn it! But how could a beggar like that get into the club and stay there for a whole night? I’m not even qualified to go in. So why could that beggar?”

As he was thinking, he saw Carolyn brush her hair as she walked out of the club. His anger flared at the sight of her. He went up and grabbed her hand and hissed, “You b*tch. I have been up all night, worrying about Sharon, and thinking about discussing with you how to help her. But you came here to see Adrien. Why are you so shameless? Why don’t you become a prostitute instead?”

“Let me go!” Carolyn pushed him away in disgust.” Talk to you? What else can you do but beg? I’d rather talk to Mr. Tanner than you. He is much more capable than you.”

“B*tch!” Christopher slapped her, sending her crashing to the ground. Before she could get up, he pulled at her collar and hissed, “You talked to him? Heh! Talking at night until you two got into bed? Even beggars know you are sleeping with Adrien. What else do you have to say?”

A flash of guilt washed over Carolyn’s face. “Yeah, I slept with him all night. So what? We are getting divorced anyway. What I do with Mr. Tanner is none of your business.”

“B*tch!” Christopher roared as he stripped her naked. “Since you are shameless, you don’t need clothes. I will show everyone how cheap you are.” Ignoring Carolyn’s screaming and hissing, he threw her clothes on the ground and left.

There were more and more pedestrians passing by, and almost everyone was pointing fingers at her, and privately discussing the hickeys on her body. Almost breaking down, Carolyn hurriedly grabbed her clothes and ran back toward the club.

On the top floor, Adrien watched the drama unfold downstairs with indifference, and a touch of pleasure of revenge rose inside him. That is Christopher’s pain of cuckolding. Heh, but this revenge is far from enough.”

In the hospital, Kisa had just had breakfast when the director came over.

“Kisa, are you okay?” The director even brought over a bouquet.

Kisa smiled at him. “Much better, and thanks for coming.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m partly responsible for what happened in the studio,” the director said, looking at her again and feeling relieved. “Glad to see you’re alright. Your complexion looks so bright and rosy. At first glance, you don’t ever look like a patient who just had a miscarriage.”

Outside the door, Christopher Case stood still in shock.

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