Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1161

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1161

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161 Making Decisions for Me Behind My Back

Gibert frowned deeply. He made a beeline for the door and opened it.

However, he turned to look at the woman on the couch. Seeing that she was still asleep, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Davian stood outside the door in shock.

He stared at Gilbert’s dark expression.

‘Seems like I came at the wrong time. But I really can’t tell when the right time is! I’ve been holding it in for a really long time outside. I only knocked because this matter is urgent and needs Mr. Kooper’s signature,’ he thought.

“Mr. Kooper…”

Gilbert quickly made a shushing gesture before returning to his seat.

Davian glanced at the woman on the couch and felt bummed out.

‘Go home and sleep if you’re so sleepy. Seriously! Mr. Kooper glared at me for no reason because of you,’ he thought.

Davian tip-toed to Gilbert’s desk. He handed Gilbert the document and pointed at the area that needed stamping.

After looking at the document, Gilbert took out a stamp and stamped it on it. Then, he waved his hand and motioned Davian to leave.

Davian pouted. After hesitating for a while, he finally said, “There’s one more thing, Mr. Kooper. It’s about Mr. Mullen Sr. from Athadale’s birthday banquet…”

Davian spoke in a really low voice.

Seeing how the woman on the couch did not move, Gilbert did not scold Davian. He asked him quietly, “What about it?”

“I’m arranging your schedule. Would you like to attend it? Could you confirm so that I can make the arrangements?”

“I’m not going,” Gilbert said without hesitation.

He continued, “I’ll prepare a gift later. After that, just get someone to send the gift over.”

Davian was a little surprised, “Isn’t the madam going? You’re really not going?”

“She isn’t going either!”

Coincidentally, Kisa had woken up when they were discussing the matter.

She frowned slightly.

‘I didn’t say I’m not going?” she thought.

While Kisa was thinking to herself in confusion, she heard Gilbert say to Davian in an incredibly low voice, “She hasn’t been feeling well recently, so she won’t be going. Since she isn’t attending, naturally, I won’t be either. After this, I’ll also help her pick a gift and send it over!”

Kisa felt depressed.

‘Is he making decisions for me behind my back again? I’ll definitely have to go to the Mullen family’s banquet. However, judging from his firm attitude on making me get bedrest, he definitely won’t let me go no matter what I say. After all, Athadale is far from Calthon. For the past two days, he’s even been limiting me from leaving the house, so he couldn’t possibly let me go to Athadale. That’s why I can only go in secret,’ she thought.

“Alright, Mr. Kooper. I understand. Then, I’ll be taking my leave.”

Gilbert did not respond and merely waved his hand at Davian.

Davian glanced at Kisa once more before walking out quietly.

Kisa was only awake for a while. Once the office fell into silence, she fell asleep again.

At the square near the airport entrance, Peter stood and stared unblinking as he watched the taxis come and go.

Two tickets were tightly gripped in his hands; one was his, and the other was Jolina’s.

He told Jolina he had bought her tickets and that she should just come if she was willing to leave with him. If she was not willing to do so, then they would probably never get to meet again.

Peter had purposefully made the situation sound dire.

However, even though it was getting closer and closer to boarding time, the woman still did not show up.

He could not help but tighten his grip on the tickets. Then, his mouth slowly curled into a smile of self- mockery.

The drizzling rain was persistent. It did not take long before Peter was drenched in cold


His black windbreaker fluttered in the biting wind, making him exude an air of bleakness and loneliness.


young master, it’s almost time to board the plane. Let’s go.”

“She didn’t come after all!”

Peter sneered. Then, he turned around and further into the airport.

Turns out she really doesn’t have any feelings for me. All she feels is contempt!’ he


Upon this realization, Peter revealed a sardonic smile. Even so, his hand gripped Jolina’s

ticket tightly.


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