Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1160

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1160

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1160

Chapter 1160 Got Caught Peeking

Gilbert tidied up the couch and said to Kisa, “Sit here and rest for a bit. I’ll take you out for lunch once I’m done with work.”

However, Kisa could not sit still. She smiled at him and said, “Do you need help with anything? Signing things, reviewing contracts, and all that?”

“No. I can do it myself. You get some rest.”

The man said to her without lifting his head as he busied himself.

Kisa pouted.

‘Is he still holding a grudge against me because I dirtied his contract the last time?’ she wondered.

The man quickly entered work mode. He had a particularly serious look.

Meanwhile, Kisa leaned against the couch and stared at him for a while.

‘Honestly, he looks really handsome when he’s hard at work. There’s an inexplicable sense of seriousness that makes him look particularly attractive,’ she thought.

The man took off his suit jacket. He was now only left with a gray-colored shirt.

His shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing a small portion of his muscular arms. On his wrist was a wristwatch, the one Kisa had gifted him previously.

Kisa stared at him in a daze.

Her gaze may have been too obvious, as the man could not help but look up.

Suddenly, Kisa’s gaze was met with his dark eyes. She felt her heart skip a beat.

She quickly turned around and pretended to flip through a magazine.

Gilbert peered at the back of her head for a moment. Then, he said coolly, “If something to say, then just spit it out. Ask me whatever you want. There’s no need for to observe my reactions in secret.”

you have


Gilbert thought the woman did not dare to say whatever she had in mind, so she kept spying on his expressions.

Little did he know, the woman found him attractive while he was working hard. That was why she could not help but stare at him.

Kisa felt her cheeks turn a little warm.

She held the magazine and quietly said, “I don’t have anything to say to you. I glanced at you inadvertently, that’s all. Continue your hard work and pretend that I’m not here.

Gilbert pursed his lips. Suddenly, he asked, “Are you hungry? Do you want something to

eat? I’ll get Davian to buy it.”

The man was being affectionate out of the blue again.

However, Kisa felt a little speechless.

‘Didn’t I just have breakfast a while ago? Besides, I ate a lot. How could I get hungry this quickly?” she wondered.

Kisa shook her head, “I’m not. You can carry on with

your work.”

Then, she looked down. She flipped through the magazine and decided not to look at the man anymore.

‘Truthfully, it was pretty awkward when he caught me peeking at him,’ she thought.

While Kisa was deep in thought, a glass of water promptly came into view.

Gilbert said to her, “Since you’re not hungry, have some water. Take a nap on the couch if you’re tired.”

Kisa accepted the glass of water in a daze. The water was warm.

She watched as the man returned to his seat. Finally, Kisa snapped out of her trance.

‘Aside from everything else, Gilbert is quite nice and affectionate to me this time,’ she thought.

Gilbert stopped talking to her. He lowered his head and continued working.

Kisa also stopped bothering him and sat on the couch while reading the


However, the office might have been too quiet. The sound of the man scribbling on paper, paired with the sound of the clicking keyboard, sounded like a lullaby.

Kisa let out a huge yawn.

She quietly closed the magazine and lay on the couch. She decided the take a nap.

It was still raining outside the window. The weather was gloomy but perfect for a nap.

Kisa peered at the mysterious and grayish skies outside the window, and her thoughts slowly drifted away.

For a while, Gilbert did not hear the sound of the woman flipping through pages. He could not help but glance at her, only to find that she had fallen asleep on the couch.

He stood up and quietly took out a blanket from the cabinet.

It was the blanket he used every time he spent a night in his office.

He walked over and gently placed the blanket over her.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the CEO’s office door.

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