Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1159

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1159

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159 They’re Truly in Love

“Wherever I go is none of your business. In the future, I’ll go out whenever I want to, and I won’t be asking you. It’s not like you’d agree to it anyway.”

Gilbert could sense the woman’s evident anger, so he lowered his gaze and compromised, “Alright. I won’t force you to rest at home. Are you happy now?”


As soon as Kisa revealed a smile, Gilbert quickly added, “However, you need to tell me where you’re going. You can’t just go missing without a word.”

“I’m fine with that,” Kisa nodded.

‘After all, I’m only going to the set. It’s not like I’m doing something bad,’ she thought.

“Also, you must be by my side the entire time today.”


Hearing Gilbert’s request, Kisa could not help but frown.

However, Gilbert did not answer. He merely answered, “If you don’t agree, then you’re better off staying home lying down.”

‘If I constantly don’t let her go out, she’ll surely be unhappy and resent me. However, it’s raining today. I don’t feel safe letting her go out alone. That’s why I can only find a middle ground-keeping her by my side. This way, she’ll get to go out, and I’ll get to keep my eyes on her 24/7,’ he thought.

Kisa did not know what the man was thinking.

‘As long as I get to go out. I don’t want to stay in this cold villa alone. Back then, it was fine. But now that Mrs. Kooper Sr. and I aren’t getting along, it’s a little suffocating to stay under the same roof as her,’ she thought.

She said to the man, “Alright. I’ll go to your office with you.”

The GK Building was bustling.

“Oh! Oh! Didn’t the news say that she lost her child and Mr. Kooper and his family don’t like her? To me, it seems like Mr. Kooper still cares a lot about her.”

“That’s right. Did you guys see that? Mr. Kooper was being so affectionate with her. He hugged her as if he was worried that she might bump into something.”

“Tsk! That woman’s really crafty. She’s lost the baby, yet she’s still so favored.”

“Ahem! Ahem! What are you all gossiping about? If you all continue tattling, I’ll throw you

all out!”

When Davian came upstairs and heard the discussion in the office, he could not help but reprimand them.

The entire office instantly fell silent.

Davian snorted, “Let me tell you all that Mr. Kooper and the madam are truly in love, so stop gossiping in the future. No one can save you all if Mr. Kooper hears about the gossip.”

“If she and Mr. Kooper are truly in love, then what was Sara Mitchell?”

“That’s right, Mr. Park. Let’s leave Sharon out of this. She’s surely out of the story. We’ll talk about Sara, whose whereabouts are still unknown. If she reappears, will the madam still be as favored?”

Davian immediately frowned.

‘If they hadn’t brought up Sara Mitchell, I would’ve forgotten about her,’ he thought.

He responded in annoyance, “Why do you all care about that? Whoever Mr. Kooper favors. is none of your business. Right now, Ms. Becker is the wife of GK Pictures’s CEO. In the future, all of you better treat her with respect and stop gossiping behind her back.”

Davian spoke and glanced at the CEO’s office. Then, he turned around and left.

‘Since the madam is here today, I better not bother them,’ he thought. novelbin

Right after Davian had left, the people in the office gathered together and started whispering again.

“I think Mr. Kooper still loves Sara Mitchell the most. The madam will surely be out of the picture if Sara appears.”

“That’s right. Mr. Park didn’t refute us just now. That shows that the person Mr. Kooper truly likes is Sara.”

“Exactly. I wonder where Sara is. It is said that the person who caused Sara’s disappearance is the madam.”

“That’s right. Why else would people call her a crafty woman?”

Kisa and Gilbert were in the CEO’s office.

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