Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1158

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1158

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1158

Chapter 1158 You Should Slow Down

Madalyn immediately snorted coldly, “Either you drink it, or you don’t. Don’t make it look like we’re forcing you. My grandson’s being nice to you wholeheartedly, yet you’re making him swear such an oath. What’s your motive?”

Kisa pursed her lips.

‘I didn’t expect Gilbert to make such an oath. It would be inappropriate for me to continue being stubborn,’ she thought.

“There’s no need to make an oath. I’ll drink it.”

She grunted at the man and downed the entire bowl of decoction in one go.

Madalyn nodded in satisfaction.

Gilbert gently wiped the stain at the corner of her lips.

“Kelvin prescribed half a month’s worth of the medicine of you. After taking the decoction for half a month, you should be fine. If you find it bitter, I’ll buy you some gummies or something.”

‘All of a sudden, he’s being sweet again,’ Kisa thought.

She stared at him, as she was startled. For a while, she was in a daze.

Gilbert gently patted the back of her head.

“Go upstairs and get some rest. I should get going to the office now. I’ll see you tonight.”

‘He’s like a sweet and considerate husband, saying affectionate things to me before he leaves for work,’ she thought.

Kisa was in a daze as she watched him stand up to leave. She remained in a daze for al


When the man got to the door, Kisa finally snapped out of her trance. She dashed over to


“Wait… Wait up…

Kisa ran really quickly.

Madalyn’s eyes widened, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

“Y-You should slow down!”

Madalyn roared furiously while holding her cane with trembling hands.

Kisa was startled by her shout and subconsciously slowed down her pace.

“This is so weird. Not only is Gilbert acting strange, but even Mrs. Kooper Sr. is acting

strange now,’ she thought.

“What’s wrong?”

Gilbert turned around. When he saw the panting woman, he frowned slightly.

‘This woman. She still isn’t being mindful even though she isn’t feeling well,’ he thought.

Kisa lowered her gaze and said a little hesitantly, “I don’t want to lie on the bed anymore. I spent the entire day lying down yesterday. If I continue lying down today, I’ll become a do- nothing.”

“So, you want to go outside?”

Kisa nodded furiously, “I want to go on set and have a look.”

‘Yesterday, I promised the director I’d visit the set tomorrow, so it’s better for me to visit. the set today and get to know their filming progress. That way, it’ll be easier for my shoot tomorrow. After all, I don’t have much to do recently. Anyway, I still have to tell him about me going out just in case he gives me any attitude after this,’ she thought.

To Kisa’s surprise, Gilbert immediately frowned.


The man’s tone was firm. There was no room for discussion at all.

“Since you’re not feeling well, it’s better for you to stay home.”

After Gilbert finished his sentence, he walked toward the car in the courtyard.

It was drizzling. The persistent autumnal raindrops had a coolness to them.

Kisa stared intensely at the man’s cold, lonely back. She felt an inexplicable sense of sadness mingled with a hint of anger.

‘I shouldn’t have asked him if I had known. I should just leave as I please,’ she thought.

Gilbert got in the car. He saw the woman standing at the door with an unhappy expression through the car window.

He shook his head resignedly.

A moment later, he got out of the car with an umbrella.

He opened the umbrella and walked up to the woman, “You really want to go out?”

“Let’s lock you up for a few days and see if you’ll get bored?” Kisa glared at him. Her tone had a hint of annoyance.

Gilbert burst out laughing. “You only stayed home for bed rest yesterday. Besides, you secretly went outside yesterday afternoon.”

Kisa ignored him and walked toward the car on her own accord.

Gilbert quickly pulled her and shifted most of the umbrella to the top of her head.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

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