Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1157

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1157

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1157

Chapter 1157 Swear an Oath

“You don’t have to come downstairs in the future. When you’re hungry, press the call button above your bed. The call button that was previously installed hasn’t been removed yet, right? Just call for a servant if you need anything.”

‘Mrs. Kooper Sr. changed her attitude again today. It’s rare to see her not treating me with disdain. She’s even speaking to me with a hint of politeness and concern,’ Kisa thought.

She looked at the two in front of her in horror.

‘What happened this time? They’re being so nice to me, and I’m starting to wonder if I’m pregnant again. But, that’s impossible. I always take contraceptive pills after I do it with. Gilbert. Besides, after Shaun and Sharon had set me up and I fell to the ground, the baby would’ve been long gone even if I was actually pregnant,’ she thought again.

Kisa shook her head quietly and turned to Madalyn. “Don’t you hate me? Why are you suddenly being so nice to me? Are you scheming something?”

She was purposefully provoking Madalyn to see if she would reveal something.

As expected, Madalyn immediately burst out angrily and said, “What could I be scheming? Do you think everyone’s as calculative and manipulative as you? Let me tell you something, if it wasn’t because of you…”

“Ahem! Ahem…”

While Madalyn was in mid-sentence, Gilbert suddenly placed his fist in front of his lips and coughed twice.

His coughing sounds were obviously feigned.

Sure enough, Madalyn stopped talking after she heard Gilbert’s cough sounds.

Then, she snorted coldly, “Just accept the kindness I give you. You think we would be so nice to you if it wasn’t because we’re worried that the media will say that we’re mistreating you?”

Kisa had a feeling that Madalyn was not telling the truth.

‘After all, we’re in the Kooper family’s residence. The media wouldn’t even know if they actually mistreated me. But, Gilbert isn’t letting Mrs. Kooper Sr. tell me the reason, so no matter how I provoke her, it will be to no avail,’ she thought.

She stared daggers at Gilbert before lowering her head gloomily to eat.

‘What is this man up to? He’s being so secretive,’ wondered Kisa.

Kisa’s appetite had been good recently. She usually felt full after six or seven madeleines, but she ate twice the amount this time and even had a bowl of chicken soup.

Meanwhile, Madalyn nodded to herself quietly. She seemed as though she was relatively satisfied with Kisa’s appetite.

After Kisa finished the madeleines and chicken soup, Gilbert handed her a bowl of decoction.

“Drink this, then go back to your room and lie down.”

Kisa caressed the bowl. She peered at the murky-looking decoction and frowned, “What… exactly does this treat?”

“Irregular menstruation,” the man answered stoically.

Kisa had a tense expression. She was starting to doubt Kelvin’s diagnosis.

She pushed the bowl of decoction away and said in a low voice, “I don’t want to take it. My period has stopped for a day. I don’t know if the decoction led to a paradoxical effect. I’ll go to the hospital later myself


Madalyn turned to Gilbert in a panic. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, Grandma,” Gilbert consoled Madalyn before glaring daggers at Kisa.

“You need to take this. It’s good for you,” the man said as he sat down next to her. Then, he shoved the bowl into her hands. “Drink it while it’s hot.”

“I won’t. Who knows what this medicine is for?” Kisa was about to push the bowl back to him.

Suddenly, the man glared viciously at her.

Kisa was so frightened that her arms trembled. The decoction almost spilled out of the bowl.

Gilbert watched as the woman pursed her lips in silence. She did not take the decoction and looked like she was being bullied and oppressed.

He sighed softly and softened his tone. “Drink it. It really is good for you. If I’m lying to you, I swear I’ll die a painful death!”

Kisa was shocked. She moved her lips and wanted to say something.

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