Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1156

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1156

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1156

Chapter 1156 Restricting One’s Freedom

Kisa’s mood, which just got relaxed, was tense once again. Her whole body also turned stiff.

The man practically embraced her entire body in his arms. His warm hands covered her belly and gently caressed it.

Kisa thought he wanted to do it again, so she could not help but remind him, “Gilbert, I… I’m on my period.”

“Mhm, I know.”

Gilbert answered indifferently. It made her sound as if she had imagined things.

Kisa’s face burned up slightly.

She felt even warmer with the burning-hot chest pressed against her back.

Kisa moved to the side again. However, the man pulled her back with his strong arms.

“If you scoot any further, you’ll fall to the ground.”

Then, he moved backward while hugging her, ensuring that she had sufficient space on her side and would not fall off the bed.

“Go to sleep. Don’t worry. I won’t touch you,” Gilbert said.

Suddenly he released her and pulled a few inches away.

Kisa was perplexed at his inconsistent attitude.

At first, she really wanted to sleep, but now she could not sleep at all.

She turned to her side and stared at the man’s silhouette through the dim moonlight in the


After hesitating for a while, she could not help but ask, “Gilbert, is something bothering you?”

‘Ever since our fight that morning, he’s been acting weird. It’s almost as if he’s got something on his mind, making him look so unhappy all the time,’ Kisa thought.

“It’s nothing. Go to sleep.”

The man said indifferently in a slightly icy tone.

Kisa pursed her lips and found it difficult to press on further.

She flipped over and stared at the window. After trying for a while, she still could not fall asleep.

While Kisa was tossing and turning, Gilbert suddenly spoke.

“Don’t worry. I won’t touch you in the next few months. Have a good night’s sleep.”

Kisa was startled. Moments later, an indescribable feeling surged within her heart. It felt liike bitterness as well as disappointment.

‘As expected, he’s still mad at me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be treating me this coldly,’ she thought.

Kisa could not sleep until midnight. When she woke up the following morning, it was already ten o’clock.

At first, she thought Gilbert had already gone to the office. However, she saw Gilbert when she went to the living room.

He was saying something to Madalyn. The moment she came downstairs, the two promptly fell silent. One looked like they were hiding something from her, while the other looked cautious of her.

Kisa pursed her lips and acted as if she did not see them. Then, she quietly walked outside. ‘They don’t want me to hear their conversation? I didn’t want to hear it anyway,’ she thought. “Stop right there!”

Just as Kisa got to the door, Gilbert shouted at her.

The man’s tone was still icy.

Kisa slightly clenched her fists by her sides. Then, she turned to face him. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Didn’t I tell you? You need to rest in bed for the next few days. Who told you to come downstairs? Go upstairs and lie down,” Gilbert frowned and strode over to pull her.


Kisa flung his hand aside. “Why do I need to lie on the bed? I’m not sick. Are you indirectly restricting my freedom?”

Gilbert frowned deeply. His beautiful eyebrows were all scrunched up.

“You’re not sick, but Kelvin said that there’s something wrong with your body. Come on, let’s get you something to eat. Once you’re done eating, go upstairs and lie down.”

The man said while pulling her to sit in front of the dining table.

The servants quickly brought out breakfast and a bowl of murky-looking decoction.

‘Speaking of which, this is strange. I didn’t get my period today. Is it because of this decoction? Or, was that not my period yesterday? And, the problem with my body was cured with this decoction?’ she wondered.

While Kisa was deep in thought, Gilbert suddenly pushed the chicken soup and tuna

sandwich in front of her.

Just then, Madalyn walked over.

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