Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1155

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1155

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155 That Woman Is So Stupid

“My poor great-grandchild is dead, yet you want me to do something for their sake? Are you trying to make me sad on purpose?!”

Madalyn said while sadly wiping her tears.

Gilbert chuckled, “Who said it’s dead?”

Madalyn froze and looked at him in shock. “What do you mean? The baby…”

“The baby is still in her stomach. The miscarriage incident a few days ago was to tackle Sharon. Kisa didn’t actually have a miscarriage.”

Gilbert did not tell Madalyn about Kisa’s fake pregnancy to prevent her from hating Kisa

even more.

‘Telling grandma that the baby’s still there is enough. That way, grandma will stop putting Kisa in a tight spot. Besides, she’ll be happy,’ he thought.

As expected, a smile instantly appeared on Madalyn’s face. She grabbed Gilbert’s hand. excitedly and said, “Really? Is the baby really still alive?”

Gilbert nodded with a smile. “But, you need to keep this a secret and not tell anyone, including Kisa.”

“Why? Doesn’t she know that she’s pregnant?” Madalyn asked perplexedly.

Gilbert pursed his lips. “She thinks she lost the baby after the miscarriage. Anyway, just don’t tell her.”

Madalyn was dubious.

“How could she not know if the baby’s gone or not after the miscarriage?”

“She really doesn’t know. And, that is why, do me a favor, Grandma. Don’t tell her about the baby yet.”

“If it wasn’t because grandma was sad and constantly targeting Kisa, I would’ve hidden this from her too,’ he thought.

Madalyn nodded her head. “Alright. As long as my great-grandchild is still alive.”

Then, she frowned disdainfully, “That woman is so stupid. She doesn’t even know that her child is still alive.”

Gilbert laughed quietly.

‘It’s not that Kisa is stupid. Everything is just too coincidental. After all, she took.

contraceptive pills and even fell down. If Christopher hadn’t drawn her blood and sent it for

a test, no one would’ve figured that Kisa was actually pregnant,’ he thought.

It was nighttime. Kisa leaned against the headboard as she read a book.

It only took a while before she started feeling sleepy.

Kisa was confused.

‘Why have I been getting sleepy a lot recently?’ she wondered.

She closed the book. Just as she was about to switch off the lights and go to sleep, Gilbert opened the door and came in.

He was wearing a sleeping robe and looked like he had come in to sleep.

Kisa could not help but feel shocked.

“I thought he wouldn’t sleep in the same room as me again. After all, he’s still mad at me,” she thought.

Kisa remained silent and got under the sheets. Then, she quietly moved to the side.

Gilbert, too, did not speak.

There was a suffocating feeling in the quiet room.

A moment later, Kisa felt a slight sinking feeling beside her.

The man had laid down.

Kisa had her back against him.

‘If only he didn’t come in. I wouldn’t have to feel so restricted if I was alone,’ she thought.

“Is there anything else? Otherwise, I’ll switch off the lights!” the man suddenly asked.

He spoke in a cool, flat tone. Kisa could not distinguish his mood.

She stuck her head out of the sheets and said, “Switch it off.”

Right after a soft “click,” the room fell into darkness.

Kisa opened her eyes and took a moment to adjust to the darkness. However, she suddenly did not feel sleepy anymore.

Kisa could not help but scoot further when she felt the warmth of the body lying beside her.

Suddenly, the man pressed himself up against her. His warm chest was now directly touching her back.

Kisa immediately stiffened. “Gilbert…”

“What do you want to eat tomorrow?”

Gilbert was pressed up against her. However, he did not move and merely murmured at her.

Kisa could not understand why he asked this question out of the blue. She responded out of reflex, “Nothing in particular.”

“Then, I’ll get the servants to make chicken soup tomorrow. Since you like tuna sandwiches, I’ll ask them to make more.”

Kisa frowned in confusion.

‘Isn’t he still mad at me? Why is he being so nice to me?’ she wondered.

While she was deep in thought, the man suddenly wrapped his hand around her waist.

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