Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1163

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1163

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163 Caution and Reminder

“You must be hungry. Go wash up. I’ll take you out for lunch.”

Kisa nodded. She held onto the couch and stood up.

Perhaps it was because Kisa had slept for too long, but she struggled to walk and felt as if her body had lost its strength.

When she got to the washroom, she realized the floor had anti-slip mats laid out.

‘How strange. Since when were these placed? I don’t think they were here this morning,’ she thought.

Kisa did not think any further. After using the washroom, she washed her face with cold


She finally felt more energetic after washing her face.

‘It seems like sleeping so much was not a good idea. I slept so much that I was disoriented, ‘she thought.

Gilbert was standing by the window when Kisa walked out of the washroom.

The curtains had been drawn open; she could see that it was still raining outside.

The autumnal season made the grayish rainy day seem particularly bleak and lonely.

However, the Kisa felt an inexplicable sense of peace despite the weather. She was not sure if it was because of the warm lights in the room or him.

Gilbert turned to her with a slight frown.

“The rain outside hasn’t stopped at all. The temperature has also dropped. Why don’t you just stay here and not go outside? What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you.”

“There’s no need. It’s only a slight drizzle. Besides, we drove here. Going outside once will be fine.”

Gilbert’s expression darkened, “We drove here, but there’s still some distance from the entrance to our car. Furthermore, there are strong winds outside. What if you catch a cold. after going outside?”

‘Even though he’s saying considerate things, I really can’t stand the expression on his face. That expression of his looks like he finds me troublesome,’ she thought.

Kisa did not argue with him any further. She said quietly, “Whatever. I’ll eat whatever you buy.”

“Alright. Be good and stay here. Don’t wander off.”

Gilbert said while taking his suit jacket from the back of his chair and putting it on. Then,


he walked out.

The man left soon after. Kisa walked to the window and looked down in boredom. There were barely any people walking on the streets because of the weather. After peering down for a while, Kisa spotted Gilbert walking out of the building.

The man’s actions were quick and smooth; he got into the car and quickly started it.

Upon seeing the car quickly merge into the main road, she picked up the magazine and flipped through it in boredom.

However, the more Kisa flipped through the magazine, the more she found its contents uninteresting.

She stood up and walked up to Gilbert’s desk.

Just as she was going to see if she could help Gilbert with anything, she heard someone knocking on the door.

Kisa was startled and subconsciously said, “Come in.

The door was pushed open. Davian peered into the room and asked, “Where’s Mr. Kooper?”

“He went out to buy lunch.”

“Buy lunch?” Davian was shocked, “Why didn’t he ask me to do it? Besides, he could’ve ordered takeout. Why’d he go out to buy food himself?”

Kisa shook her head, “Why are you looking for him? I’ll let him know when he’s back.”

“Oh. It’s… It’s nothing.”

Davian said while hugging the documents in his arms tighter. He looked as if he was worried that she would peek at them.

Kisa was speechless.

“When Gilbert went out, he didn’t even keep the documents on the table or lock his drawers. Gilbert himself isn’t cautious toward me, yet Davian is acting cautious,’ she thought.

“Since Mr. Kooper isn’t around, I’ll come and find him again later,” Davian said and glanced

at Gilbert’s desk.

Then, he reminded Kisa, “Madam, rest on the couch if there’s nothing. Don’t touch Mr.

Kooper’s things without his permission. Otherwise, you’ll be held accountable if something happens.”

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