Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1164

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1164

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164 The Strange Album

Kisa was even more speechless when she heard that.

‘Is he trying to threaten me?’ she wondered.

Mmm,” she hummed expressionlessly and returned to the sofa.

Davian saw that she was unhappy and quickly explained, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Mrs. Kooper, but GK got screwed over badly the last time. I’m just afraid…”

What Davian said was understandable. Kisa waved her hand at him and said, “Okay, I got it. I won’t touch his stuff. You can go about your business peacefully.”

“Alright, Mrs. Kooper. I’ll head out now. Just call me if you need anything.” Davian said and went out of the room.

Kisa leaned on the sofa. She was not angry but rather amused.

‘Davian is so loyal and devoted to him. If he were to choose between Gilbert and Felicity, he would probably choose Gilbert.

Kisa could not help but laugh when she thought about it.

“But I haven’t seen Felicity in such a long time. Is she back in Athadale? I mean, Gilbert brought that woman back from Athadale.”

Kisa sat on the sofa, scrolling through her phone, feeling bored. She looked at the time and realized that Gilbert had been out for an hour.

‘What is he shopping for? Why isn’t he back yet?”

Kisa was hungry, so she took a sip of water. She then glanced at Gilbert’s bookcase, planning to find something to read. The bookcase was huge, and office documents filled the middle and lower shelves. The two upper sections consisted of novels, essay collections, and so on. Kisa’s gaze traveled across the bookcase, and it finally landed on the topmost part of the bookcase. There was something covered in black leather lying there, but it was not a book.

Curious, Kisa moved a stool over and got on it, ready to take the unknown object off the bookcase and have a look. When she stepped onto the chair, she realized that the highest. part of the bookcase was covered in dust, including the black-leathered object.

‘How long has it been since someone cleaned this bookcase, and how long has that thing been sitting up there? She thought.

‘It’s weird, though. They take cleanliness to another level here, especially the CEO’s office, which is cleaned spotless every single day. The other parts of this bookcase are dust free, but not the part with the item on it. It’s as if someone had specifically instructed the staff not to touch that shelf, Kisa suppressed her suspicions as she took the thing down from the bookcase.

It was heavy, not at all like a book, but more like an album. Kisa blew the dust away and opened it curiously. Suddenly, her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw the picture inside.

“What are you doing?!”

Kisa was startled. She immediately slipped and fell. “Ah!!!” She yelled. However, her body did not hit the floor. Instead, she fell into a cold embrace. Kisa opened her eyes in shock and saw Gilbert’s handsome but angry face.

Gilbert helped her stand and shouted at her with rage, “What the hell were you doing on the chair? Do you know how dangerous that was? I was only out for a while, yet here you are, climbing up chairs.

Can you please save me some trouble?”

The man was furious. His face looked cold, and his chest heaved heavily. Kisa stared at him blankly, thinking that he was making a fuss out of nothing,

‘The chair isn’t even that high. Plus, the floor is covered with carpet. It wouldn’t even hurt that much if I fell. I don’t know why he’s getting mad.”

Gilbert stared at her deeply, and his gaze unexpectedly fell on the photo album that was in her arms.

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