Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1165

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1165

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165 Their Wedding Pictures

Gilbert scowled fiercely, as if someone had just discovered his deepest darkest secret.

He pulled the photo album out of her hands and shouted at her coldly, “Who told you to take this?”

Kisa was startled by all the yelling. Once again, she thought that he was extremely unpredictable. He could act all gentle and considerate toward her at one moment and yell at her like she was his enemy the next. His unstable emotions and mood swings bewildered her.

Kisa looked at the photo album in his hand and asked in a low voice, “W-Wh… Why do you have that?”

In that album were their wedding pictures. Under Madalyn’s insistence and orders, Gilbert had taken wedding photos with Kisa. He had been extremely unwilling to do so, and his face was dark the whole time. They had taken several pictures, but Gilbert did not look at them at all back then. Instead, he left to meet up with Sara after their photo shoot, leaving Kisa alone at the bridal shop to be ridiculed by others.

At that time, the photographer asked her which of the pictures she would like to make it to the final cut and how she would like the final product to look. However, because Gilbert left, she did not care about the photos anymore, so she told the photographer that she did not want any of them.

The photo shoot was just a formality that Madalyn had requested. Kisa did not expect Gilbert would have made them into an album.

She looked at the man in front of her in confusion. She could not figure out what kind of emotions he had felt for her back then. Gilbert was embarrassed and annoyed when he saw Kisa looking at him with scrutiny.

He tossed the photo album into the trash and said, “Some things should be left in the past. Let’s eat.”

Kisa anxiously glanced at the trashcan and ran over without saying anything. She picked the photo album up and said, “I didn’t get to see it yet. I don’t even know if I looked good in those pictures.”

Gilbert ignored her. He walked to the coffee table and spread out the food he had bought one by one. Kisa walked over to him, holding the photo album.

Gilbert frowned in disgust. “It’s so dusty. Go wash your hands!”

Kisa did not say a word. She walked into the bathroom with the album in her hand. The album was waterproof, and so were the photos inside. So, she rinsed the photo album with water, washed her hands, and went out of the bathroom. As soon as she was at the coffee table, Gilbert took the album away from her once again.


The man stayed quiet. He opened the photo album and put it on the windowsill to let it dry. “Hurry up and eat. Those pictures were heavily edited. There’s nothing worth looking at.” ‘Pfft. He must be kidding. Those pictures clearly look unedited. Although Kisa only got to look at that one picture before Gilbert came in, she recognized the man in the suit immediately; it was Gilbert with his signature gloomy face.

Gilbert pushed the food in front of her silently. Kisa glanced at the logo on the food packaging and thought, ‘Isn’t that the best restaurant in Calthon? Did he actually go there just to buy their food?”

“I ordered you a steak and a pan-seared salmon. Eat it while it’s hot.”

Kisa picked up her silverware and said softly with a smile, “Actually, we could’ve just ordered some takeout. You didn’t have to go so far for some food.”

“Takeout?” Gilbert raised an eyebrow and looked at her stomach. “Takeout isn’t healthy. Eat!

He said in a muffled voice after a while.

Kisa pursed her lips and glanced at the photo album.

She looked up to see the man who was eating and asked cautiously, “Um… You seemed very reluctant when we took those pictures back in the day. Why did you even bother to make them into a photo album? Doesn’t it disgust you?”

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