Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1166

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1166

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166 He Dismissed Her Flattery

Gilbert frowned instantly and stared at Kisa irritably. “Yeah, yeah. I had it made just to disgust myself. Now, eat!”

‘She never believes it when I said I liked her, so I guess the idea of me secretly creating that album is pretty ridiculous, from her perspective.” novelbin

Gilbert had asked the photographer from the bridal shop to make him that album after Kisa ‘died’. Since neither of them had wanted those pictures at first, they had been deleted.

It had taken Gilbert a long time to recover some of them, which he then made into an album. Gilbert would look through the album whenever he missed her, but it then brought him endless pain, grief, and despair after some time. So, he decided to just put the wedding album on the top shelf of his bookcase, thinking that he would just forget about it.

However, he did not expect that Kisa would find it.

Seeing the man inexplicably losing his temper, Kisa did not say a word. She just ate her food in silence with her head low.

The food from the restaurant was delicious. The pan-seared salmon was fresh and tasted amazing; it whetted her appetite. She ate two servings of rice and a bowl of soup, which was more than what Gilbert had eaten.

When she finished eating, she saw that Gilbert still had a lot of food on his plate. She wiped her mouth and said in embarrassment, “Maybe the cold weather is causing me to have a larger appetite.”

Gilbert looked at the empty plate in front of her and asked after a while, “Are you full? If not, I can ask Davian to buy you something else to eat.”

Kisa shook her head quickly and said, “I’m full, I’m full. I assure you I’m full. I’m not a pig. you know.”

After saying that, she took the initiative to wash the dishes. However, Gilbert put away the plates and silverware before she could get to it.

“Get some rest. I have some things to do. I’ll take you home when I’m done.”

He then cleaned up the coffee table and went back to his desk to work.

Kisa tilted her head and looked at him, confused. She could not figure out why he insisted on her staying with him at the office today.

‘In fact, I’m not being of much help. I’m just causing more trouble for him. For example, if I weren’t here, Gilbert would have gone to the staff cafeteria to settle his lunch. He wouldn’t have to travel so far just to buy me some lunch. Except for his bad temper, he’s being super nice to me right now.”

Kisa brushed away the thoughts in her mind as she got up, walked to the window, and

grabbed the photo album. The wind was strong, so the photo album was dry at that point. She held the album in her hands and sat on the sofa.

She did not look at the photos at all back then, and she did not expect she would ever have the chance to look at the pictures they had taken all those years ago.

When she turned the page, she saw a bride and groom with no smiles. The man’s expression was dark and indifferent, while hers was sad and lost. There were not a lot of photos in the album. She remembered that she had changed into five sets of clothes for the photoshoot, but only three sets of clothes were seen in the album.

Gilbert hated Kisa at that time. The photographer asked them to stand closer and act more intimately, but Gilbert always stoed a foot away from her as if touching her was disgusting.

It was inevitable to think of the past when looking at the photos. Kisa pursed her lips, and a familiar pain and sadness appeared in her heart again. She soon looked through the album since they were not many pictures in it.

The man did not smile in any of them. On the other hand, Kisa looked like she was full of caution in every single one of the photos. She was trying to please him then, but he dismissed her flattery. All he thought about was Sara.

Gilbert lost his mood to continue working when he saw how sad Kisa looked, flipping through their wedding album.

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