Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1167

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1167

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167 On the Spur of the Moment

Gilbert threw his pen onto the table, tugged at his tie irritably, and said in an irritated voice,” I told you not to look at it. Didn’t I say that some things should be left in the past?”

Kisa took a slight breath and asked him sadly, “Why bother making an album if you didn’t want to take those pictures?”

“I must’ve done it on the spur of the moment,” Gilbert snorted. He did not tell her that he did so because he missed her.

‘She’s never believed in my sincerity. She’d just mock me if I told her the true reason.’

Kisa smiled sadly. “I think you were afraid you would forget the hatred and dislike you had for me. You got these photos done because you wanted to remind yourself of that.”

Gilbert was mad when he heard her say that. “Whatever,” he said angrily. The atmosphere in the office was getting more and more depressing. Kisa closed the album. Although looking at the photos stirred up some unpleasant memories, she still wanted to keep the album.

She hugged the album in her arms as she stood up and said, “I don’t want to disturb your work anymore. I’ll go down to the J & K department to have a look.”

After she finished speaking, Kisa went out of Gilbert’s office.

The man stared at the closed door and kicked his desk in anger, feeling increasingly annoyed.

‘I should have thrown that album away in the first place to avoid this from happening. That woman never thinks well of me. Why wouldn’t she just assume that I made that album because I missed her? Why did she have to say all those words to antagonize me?! F*ck!’

Gilbert pulled his tie off in a rage and slammed it onto his desk.

‘I don’t feel like working anymore.’

He rested his elbows on the desk, propped his forehead with the back of his hand, and closed his eyes irritably. Suddenly, someone came into the room. Thinking that it was Kisa, Gilbert hurriedly looked up. The next moment, he narrowed his eyes coldly.

Davian was terrified by his gaze. He had learned his lesson that morning and was afraid that Kisa would fall asleep in the office again, so he did not knock and went into the office directly. But…

Gilbert looked angry. Davian quickly backed out, knocked on the door, and went into the office. “M-Mr. Kooper, what’s wrong? Where’s Mrs. Kooper?”

Gilbert had already collected himself at that time. He straightened his collar and asked, ” What’s the matter?”

“Oh, uh, I’ve sorted out some of the important documents and brought them to you.”

“Just leave them here,” Gilbert said as he motioned to the table.

Davian hurried over and placed the stack of papers on his desk. Gilbert was in a bad mood, so Davian did not dare to stay for long. After placing the documents, he turned around to walk out of the office.

Suddenly, Gilbert called out to him. Davian smiled respectfully and asked, “Yes, Mr. Kooper?”

“Kisa is at the J & K department below. Go take a look and make sure she is safe and well.” Davian was speechless. “But, Mr. Kooper, t-this is the company building. Will there even be any…”

“I said go!” Gilbert shot him a fierce glance, and Davian did not dare to say another word.

“Shaun did all of this?” In the office, Kisa stared at all the unreasonable contracts in front of her and asked the secretary. The secretary nodded.

“Mr. Burton said that he got your consent.”

Kisa frowned. Just as she was about to say something, Davian suddenly ran into her office.

“Mrs. Kooper, didn’t you and Shaun collude to do all this? How could you have the nerve to ask the secretary about it now?”

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