Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1168

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1168

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168 Come On, Let’s Go Home

Davian’s tone was not nice. He still harbored resentment toward Kisa. After he went into her office, he waved the secretary off. The secretary glanced at Kisa and took her leave. Kisa looked at Davian and said, “No, I did not do any of this. In fact, I didn’t even know

about any of it.”

The contracts were all signed with Riser Enterprise under the name of GK Pictures. It was stated that Risen Enterprise would take 100% of the benefits, while GK had to give up profits and subsidize its own profit.

Because these contracts were not major, Shaun did not have to ask her permission to sign them; he could just stamp them himself for them to take effect. As for the previous contract, Shaun had to trick Kisa into signing it because the interests involved were too great.

Now that she thought about it, Shaun had been pulling all kinds of tricks behind her back, causing GK to lose profit in the process.

‘From Davian’s tone, Gilbert must have known about Shaun all along. But why didn’t he punish him if he knew? If I hadn’t let him go, would Gilbert have just let him continue to harm GK? I don’t understand what he’s thinking sometimes. How could someone as shrewd and ruthless as him be so careless?’

“Okay, Mrs. Kooper. There’s no need for you to explain it to me. You should go and explain yourself to Mr. Kooper.” Davian’s tone was sullen and full of resentment.

Kisa looked at him and asked, “Do you know why Gilbert did not punish Shaun?”

“It’s all because of you. Shaun was under your management, so Mr. Kooper did not allow us to do anything to him. The guy became more and more rampant as time went on. He even wanted to steal

GK’s shares. Is what Mr. Kooper doing not good enough for

you, Mrs. Kooper? Why did you help Shaun harm GK Pictures ?!” Davian became more enraged as soon as he said that and looked at Kisa with even more hostility.

Kisa pursed her lips. She knew that it was useless to explain herself now. Fortunately, the crisis had been resolved.

“Since you’re blaming me, you should go so that you don’t get even more upset looking at my face.”

“Hah. If it weren’t for Mr. Kooper, I wouldn’t be coming down here to make sure you were safe and sound,” Davian snorted depressingly and sat down on the sofa.

Kisa’s heart trembled. “Gilbert asked you to come down here?”


you think I came down here just to scold you on purpose? I don’t have that kind of time on my hands.” Kisa lowered her gaze, her emotions becoming more complex.

Although Gilbert always taiked to her in a cold voice during that period of time, he kept

doing things that made her feel like he cared for her. Her hatred for that man slowly disappeared, and the urge for revenge in her heart was slowly weakening.

Every time Kisa thought about it, she felt conflicted. She felt like she was betraying Jensen and her dead child.

When it was time to leave work, Kisa did not go and meet Gilbert. She decided to go back home herself. However, the man suddenly appeared at her office door and said, “Come on, let’s go home.” The man then turned and walked out of the office.

Kisa’s heart trembled slightly, and she followed behind him silently. She wasn’t sure whether it was because he slowed down on purpose, but Kisa caught up with him after walking a few steps.

The rain still had not stopped, and the autumn wind was chilly. As soon as the two of them reached the exit of the building, Gilbert took off his suit jacket and put in on her. Kisa .subconsciously wanted to reject his kindness, but when she met his gloomy eyes, she did

not refuse.

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