Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1173

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1173

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173 A Past That Couldn’t Be Mentioned

“It seems like Mr. Kooper cares about you very much.”

Kisa turned around subconsciously and saw Adrien standing behind her.

Adrien’s face had a tinge of sarcasm.

For some reason, Kisa felt a little disgusted after looking at him.

In the beginning, Adrien treated her pretty well. He was like an elder to her and he looked after her too.

Kisa had always respected him considering the fact that he was her mother’s friend.

However, she felt like Adrien had become a completely different person after getting together with Carolyn.

“Mr. Tanner, you’re here.”

Kisa still talked to him politely despite what she thought of him.

Adrien breathed out a swirl of cigarette smoke and looked in the direction where Gilbert left. Then, he chuckled and said, “Indeed, people change. Even though Mr. Kooper did a lot of things to hurt you back then and he even tried to murder you and your baby in the prison by setting it on fire, he’s become a better person now. Just look at how gentle he is to you. It’s perfectly normal for you to want to forgive him.”

Kisa had no idea why Adrien was bringing that up.

She felt like Adrien was trying to remind her of her hatred for Gilbert.

Kisa pursed her lips and kept her silence.

Adrien looked at her and continued, “However, this really is unfortunate for Jensen.”

Kisa clenched her fists subconsciously.

Jensen was a dark past she could not be reminded of. Her heart would be filled with guilt and despair whenever she heard about him.

Adrien flicked the ash off his cigarette as a mournful look appeared on his face.

It looked genuine.

He lifted his head and said emotionally, “Nobody would have an opinion if what happened to Jensen was purely an accident, and you got back together with Gilbert. However, if

Jensen was set up and Gilbert was the reason why he fell into the river, could you really still live with it and spend the rest of your life with Gilbert happily?”

“That’s enough!”

Kisa could not help but shout.

Her whole body was tensed, and she felt an indescribable awful feeling inside of her.

She knew that she could not forget what happened, nor could she forgive Gilbert easily.

However, she hated how other people would criticize her actions and try to take the moral high ground.

The look on Adrien’s face and his tone changed gentler after realizing that Kisa was angry. He stopped being so assertive.

Then, he sighed. “Okay, Kisa. I’m not trying to blame you for anything. I’m just sad. I’ve known Jensen for so long, and I’m very fond of him. I just find it hard to accept that something like that happened to him.

“I’d feel very bad whenever I think about the condition he’s in now. I really wasn’t trying to accuse you. After all, it’s impossible for humans to control our emotions and desires.”

Adrien’s eyes turned red as he spoke.

The pain he felt was genuine.

Kisa was affected by his sorrowful emotions too.

She took a deep breath and said softly, “It’s fine. I don’t blame you.”

“Actually, I just want to you tell you I’ll be here if you ever want to avenge Jensen. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you need help with anything.”

Kisa pursed her lips tightly as she did not know how to respond to him.

Avenge Jensen?

Her will of doing that was very strong at the beginning, and she even wanted to end Gilbert’s life personally back then.

However, her eagerness for revenge had weakened after Gilbert treated her so gently.

She enjoyed how well Gilbert treated her, but at the same time, she was suffering deep inside.

To be honest, she had no idea what she should do either.

At that moment, Gilbert was already walking toward her.

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