Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1176

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1176

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176 Excessive Care

Madalyn being excessively concerned for her made Kisa feel very uneasy and strange.

Kisa withdrew her hand from Madalyn and said awkwardly, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Madalyn scoffed scornfully after looking at how uncomfortable she felt. Then, she shifted her gaze to Gilbert, “Is she really okay? Did you bring her to the hospital for a checkup or something like that?”

“Why would I do that out of the blue?” Gilbert chuckled and spoke.

Madalyn wanted to ask more questions.

However, Gilbert smiled and interrupted her, “Grandma, we’re both really hungry. Let’s go inside and have dinner.”

“Oh, yes, yes… We’ve got to let her eat.”

Madalyn spoke as she hurriedly went into the house, “George, tell the maid to start serving dinner now.”

Kisa looked at Gilbert strangely.

Gilbert said flatly, “Come on, let’s wash our hands and eat.”

The man went into the house before Kisa after saying that.

Kisa shook her head confusedly. She could not understand what was happening with Madalyn again.

‘Why is she more worried about me than Gilbert is?‘

In the washroom, Madalyn grabbed Gilbert’s arm and asked softly, “Why did you come home so late today? Is something wrong with the baby? Were you at the hospital with her?”

“Sigh. Grandma, how did you come up with something so dramatic?”

“Tsk. I’m just worried. I don’t want the slightest thing to go wrong with the baby inside of her.”

“Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. We only came back late because she wrapped up filming late today.”

The look on Madalyn’s face turned stern. “I told her to stop working, yet she just won’t listen to me. She’s just as stubborn as her mom. That’s something I don’t like about her.”

Gilbert then responded with a smile, “Okay, Grandma. Her show is finished filming. Today is the last day, and she won’t have to work anymore tomorrow.”

Madalyn’s face looked more relaxed after hearing what Gilbert said. “That’s good. Tell her to get some rest at home tomorrow and I’ll get someone to make her some bone broth.”


Kisa sat at the dining table and watched the two of them whispering to each other in front of the washroom.

She frowned unhappily as she had a feeling that they were talking bad about her.

After a while, Gilbert helped Madalyn and walked toward Kisa.

Madalyn sat down at the table and said to Kisa, “Dig in. Eat some more if there are any dishes you like.”

Kisa nodded awkwardly. Then, she looked around the house, “Where’s Andrew and Ada?”

“They’re still young and I didn’t want them to go hungry. So, I told them to eat first. They’re playing with their toys upstairs now.”

“Oh.” Kisa nodded. For some reason, she felt like the atmosphere got very weird.

Gilbert kept his silence and kept eating.

Kisa stopped talking after that and started digging in.

Madalyn glanced at them. Then, she said to Kisa, “Gilbert told me that your show is done filming, is that right?”


“That’s great. You should just rest at home for the next few days and nourish your health.”

‘In other words, isn’t she just trying to restrict my freedom?‘

Kisa thought to herself as she asked intentionally, “Can I go out to shop then?”


“Yeah. What if + feel like buying something or taking a stroll at the park?”


Madalyn was about to speak, but Gilbert interrupted her. “Yeah, you can do that.”

He understood Kisa’s temper very well, and he knew that she would never comply if anyone were to stop her from doing anything she wanted.

Kisa smiled. “Good. Otherwise, I would die of boredom staying in this house all day.”

Even though that was what Kisa said, the only thing she wanted to do was go to Athadale.

Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday celebration would be held in three days, and she had to travel there latest by the day after tomorrow.

She would have the chance to travel to Athadale secretly if she was allowed to leave the house.

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