Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1177

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1177

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177 The Distance Between Us

At night, after taking a shower, Kisa leaned on the headboard while reading a magazine.

She thought that Gilbert would go to his study and work for a bit after showering. However, she was surprised to see him walking to the bed directly after coming out of the bathroom.

Kisa quickly moved to the side, leaving a huge space on the bed for him.

The man had looked emotionless for a few days, but she could feel that he was not in a very good mood.

Kisa figured that he might still be angry at what happened several days ago.

Kisa had no plans to cheer him up.

Even though their dreary way of getting along with each other was a little suffocating, they could not find a better way to do it.

After all, she was filled with contradictions and conflicts. She just could not figure out how to face him.

So, she thought that it would be better for them to ignore each other like this.

Gilbert gazed at Kisa’s cold face for a second before he lifted the blanket and sat on the bed.

There was about one and a half feet distance between them, and a person could easily fit in the gap.

Gilbert leaned against the headboard. Then, he grabbed a book about business strategy from the nightstand and started reading.

However, he just could not find himself concentrating after looking at the book for a long time.

He rubbed his sore temple and decided to lie down instead.

Kisa looked at the time and it was only eight o’clock.

But the man beside her looked like he was about to sleep already.

She pursed her lips and put away the magazine. Then, she stretched her arms out and switched off the light quietly.

Suddenly, the room turned completely dark.

Kisa somehow felt relieved after that.

She leaned to the side and spaced out looking at the moon outside the window.

She would fall asleep very soon whenever she lie on the bed by herself.

But she just could not do that with another person lying beside her.

Gilbert suddenly spoke when she was still trying to fall asleep.

His voice always had a very low pitch.

However, the darkness made it sound even deeper. “Mr. Muller Sr.’s birthday celebration is coming soon. Are you planning to attend?”

Kisa’s heart dropped after hearing that.

‘Didn’t he talk with Davian to stop me from going, and he wasn’t going to attend it himself too?

‘Why would he suddenly ask me about it now?

‘Is he just probing me because he figured that I might attend it behind his back?‘

Kisa thought to herself. Then, she asked him back, “Are you?”

Gilbert kept his silence for a while before he answered, “I’ll go with you if you really wish to be there, but I’m not going to attend if you don’t.”

Kisa was still trying to figure out what he meant.

Then, Gilbert added, “You’d better not go there alone behind my back!”

Kisa was shocked again. She just had a feeling that Gilbert found out about something.

She hesitated for a few seconds and said flatly, “I don’t feel like going.”

However, she still did not change her mind about going to Athadale alone secretly.

She would have given herself away for having the plans to go there if she told him she felt like going.

She did not want Gilbert to go there with her and restrict her actions there too.

So, she decided to make that man think that she was not interested in attending the celebration.

Then, she continued, “There’s nothing fun about those celebrations, not to mention that the Mullen family is the host. I never got along well with Anthony Mullen, so it’s better for me to just stay home and rest.”

Gilbert kept quiet for a while before he replied, “Okay then. I’ll get a gift and send them to the Mullen. family on your behalf.”


Kisa responded and the room became silent again.

They slept very far away from each other. If it were not for the sound of each other’s breathing, they may as well have been sleeping alone.

Kisa finally fell asleep after she tried to do so for some time.

She could vaguely feel somebody hugging her cautiously while being half asleep as if that person was afraid of waking her up.

She badly wanted to open her eyes and have a look.

However, she was probably too tired. She groaned softly and fell back asleep.

Two days passed.

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