Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1178

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1178

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178 You’d Better Not Hide From Me

Kisa booked a flight ticket to Athadale in advance and her flight was set to take off at ten o’clock in the


She woke up very early that day.

However, she could never find herself waking up with Gilbert still sleeping beside her.

The man would always wake up earlier than her.

The weather began to turn colder, and she could already feel the chill running through her body in the


Kisa wore a rather thick winter dress and covered herself with a beige coat.

She saw Gilbert and Madalyn there when she got downstairs.

Gilbert immediately squinted as if he was not happy with what she wore when he saw her.

Kisa was confused. ‘Didn’t he buy me this set of clothes and demanded me to wear them?

‘Why doesn’t he look happy at all now that I’m wearing them?’

“Why are you dressing up so early in the morning? Do you have somewhere to be?”

Gilbert asked when Kisa walked to them.

His tone sounded so distant as if he was talking to a stranger.

That was when Kisa realized that he was not upset about what she wore, but the fact that she was going


Kisa did not dare to give herself away at all because she had a flight to catch.

She took the breakfast from the maid and said to Gilbert, “The weather feels nice today, so I want to take a stroll in the garden earlier.”

Again, she felt like she was under their control after saying that because of how she had to report her whereabouts to them.

Gilbert kept quiet, but Madalyn said, “The air in the park does feel very good in the morning. I’ll go with you in a while.”

“It’s fine. I want to spend some time alone.”

Madalyn then scoffed scornfully in front of her. “Go ahead if you want to be alone. Did you really think I want to take a stroll with you?”

Kisa ate her breakfast emotionlessly, ignoring Madalyn’s response.

Then, Madalyn scoffed again and said, “You can go out alone, but I’m going to send two bodyguards to follow you.”

Kisa immediately furrowed her brows, frowning.

“I don’t want any bodyguards. How is this any different from spying on me?”

She could never go to the airport secretly with the bodyguards around.

“There is a difference, of course. The bodyguards are there to keep you safe, not to spy on you.”

“But I don’t feel that way. I just want to take a stroll in the park, and I’ll go to the office and have lunch

with Gilbert after that. Why would I need bodyguards?”

“Why? T–That’s because… because…” Madalyn glanced at her belly angrily before shifting her gaze to Gilbert annoyedly.

She just could not figure out what her grandson was thinking.

She did not know why he had to hide the fact that Kisa was pregnant.

“I don’t care!” Madalyn said sternly after being mad for a while. “Bring the bodyguards with you if you want to leave the house. Otherwise, you’re not going anywhere!”

Kisa got so mad, that she laughed, “Who are you to limit my freedom like this? What are you going to do if I don’t bring the bodyguards along?”

She despised the feeling of being controlled.

She just could not figure out what was happening to Madalyn and Gilbert. They just would not stop finding excuses to constrain her.

Madalyn’s face turned red because of how angry she was. She pounded the table, “You’ve got to…”

“That’s enough, Grandma!” Suddenly, Gilbert grabbed Madalyn’s hand and consoled her, “Just let her be if she wants to take a stroll in the garden alone. She won’t be there for very long anyway. She’ll be fine.”

Madalyn was still glowering at Kisa furiously.

Kisa felt ridiculous as she had done nothing wrong.

Then, Gilbert suddenly looked at her and said in a very warm tone compared to before, “Just let me know

if you get hungry later. Send me your location and I’ll pick you up from the park.”

“O–Oh… okay.”

Kisa quickly nodded.

She had no problem with that as long as she could be alone.

She would already be on the plane when they found out that she was not in the park. There would be nothing they could do about it by then.

Gilbert suddenly added sternly as she was still thinking to herself, “You’d better not go anywhere else or hide from me. Otherwise…”

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