Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1183

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1183

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183 Full of Lies

‘Isn’t that Anthony? My God, that young man is really a member of the Mullen family. No wonder he mentioned his grandfather’s birthday party while talking on the phone just now. So, does this mean that Mr. Mullen Sr. is the young man’s grandfather?‘

The car drove away after the young man got into it. Kisa stared at the pendant in her hand for a long time as a thought flashed across her mind.

Inside the car, the young man, Arthur Mullen, held his backpack and smiled at Anthony.” Thanks for picking me up, Uncle Anthony.”

Anthony grunted, “If I don’t pick you up, who will? How can I let you take a cab back? You are too precious to your grandfather.”

Arthur smiled even brighter. “Uncle Anthony, you treat me the best.”

“Come on, stop flattering me. Your grandfather likes you the most. Don’t forget to put in a few good words for me in front of him later,” Anthony said absently.

Arthur shook his head. “Nah, Grandpa likes you too. He says you are better than my dad.”

Anthony snickered and said nothing, as he thought to himself, ‘If my father really thinks I’m better than his eldest son, then he wouldn’t have entrusted all the Mullen family business to him. My existence is merely a foil for the rest of the Mullen family’s descendants.’

“Uncle Anthony, let me tell you a funny story.” Seeing that Anthony’s expression was not quite right, Arthur quickly changed the subject. “I just met a woman on the plane. She was really full of lies. When she was talking to her husband on the phone, she brazenly lied. Uncle Anthony, don’t you think that’s not right? Shouldn’t husbands and wives, including lovers, be honest with each other?”

Anthony was amused. “Since when do you care about all this relationship stuff? What? You have a girlfriend?”

“Nah.” Arthur smiled coyly. “I’m just wondering why two people are still together when there are so many lies between them.”

“It depends on what the lie is. Sometimes, those lies have to exist. Otherwise, the relationship may not last. Understand?”

“If they can’t keep the relationship going, then why are they still together?” Arthur was full of questions at the age of about eighteen, as he was still ignorant of relationships.

“And what if the two still love each other?” Anthony asked. Arthur got more and more confused. He wanted to ask again when Anthony interrupted him impatiently. “Oh, right. You’re still young, so you won’t understand even if I tell you.”

Arthur pouted and then asked, “By the way, Uncle Anthony, you’re not young. When will you get married? I’m looking forward to your wedding party.”

Anthony could not help but think of Lea’s sobbing face at the mention of this. He tugged at his tie in annoyance. “It’s still too early to talk about that, so don’t look forward to it.”

Arthur grunted and stopped talking.

At the terminal exit, Kisa sat on a stone pier holding her tummy to catch her breath. Perhaps she had run too much, as her stomach hurt. She only felt better after sitting and resting for a while. Just then, her phone rang. She glanced down at it and found that it was Gilbert calling. Panicked, she sat back down, calmed herself down, and answered the phone.

“Where are you?” Gilbert immediately asked, forcing his words through his teeth as soon as the phone was connected. His low voice was reeking of hostility.

Kisa breathed out to calm herself down. “I was out shopping.” If she told him that she was in Athadale, he would be furious and come after her immediately. She figured that since she had already lied to him in the beginning, she had to continue to lie.

“Where are you shopping? Why was your phone off?”

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