Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1184

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1184

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184 Are You Sure You’re Not Blind?

“Didn’t I already tell you? My phone battery died. My phone just regained some battery after I found a charging outlet at the mall,” Kisa said.

Gilbert did not believe her. He stood in front of his desk, and his fingers almost crushed the edge of the desk into smithereens.

But, he held back his anger. “Send me your location. I’ll go find you.”

“There’s no need for that. I’m done, and I’m about to leave soon. It’ll be really late if I wait for you to come here.”

Gilbert took a deep breath. “You better not lie to me!”

“Why would I? I wouldn’t dare lie to you,” Kisa lied through her teeth.

Gilbert gritted his teeth. “Alright. Half an hour. I’ll let you have it if you don’t come back in half an hour.”

“Okay! Okay!”

Kisa nodded and quickly hung up.

‘It’s better not to leave my phone on,‘ she thought.

Then, Kisa turned off her phone.

‘That way, it’ll be quieter. Once I find a place to stay and get some proper rest, I’ll tell him the truth,’ she thought again.

Felicity was nearby. She took off her sunglasses with a smile and glanced at the woman

on the stone bollard.

‘What a coincidence to actually stumble upon this woman here. But, this is strange. Doesn’t Gilbert always cling to this woman? Why is this woman at Athadale without Gilbert by her

side?‘ she wondered.

Felicity walked to the side and searched for Gilbert’s number. Then, she called him.

Gilbert had been tense the entire afternoon. Now that he finally got news about the woman, he sat unmoving in his chair as if the energy in his body had been suddenly depleted.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Gilbert thought that it was a call from Kisa, so he hurriedly picked up without even looking.

“What’s the matter? Do you need me to pick you up?‘


Felicity could not help but laugh.

Gilbert frowned deeply. He moved his phone away slightly and saw that the caller ID indicated “Felicity Jennings.”

A hint of disdain flashed across his eyes.

Just as he was about to hang up, Felicity laughed hastily, “Are you at Athadale? Why did you leave your woman all alone at the airport exit?”

Gilbert froze. Then, he asked in a tense voice, “Where did you say she is? Which airport?” “Athadale’s.”

Gilbert’s expression immediately darkened as he instinctively responded, “That’s impossible!”

‘After all, a moment ago, that woman had just sworn that she was shopping at the mall and that she’d be back in half an hour. She dared to make up such a lie when she was actually in Athadale?‘ he thought.

“Hah. If you don’t believe me, so be it. After all, she’s sitting on a stone bollard a couple of feet away from me. She also seemed like she was chasing after a handsome young man just now.”

“Are you sure you’re not blind?”

Gilbert still did not dare to believe it. It was not that he did not believe Felicity’s words, but he did not believe that Kisa would actually lie to him.

“You’re the one who’s blind. I was kind enough to tell you your woman’s whereabouts, and you cursed me to go blind! I’m done talking. If your wife gets kidnapped, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Felicity said angrily and hung up.

With a deep frown, Gilbert quickly searched for Kisa’s phone number and called her.

“Sorry, the number you are calling is currently switched off!”

“Kisa Becker!” he growled lowly through gritted teeth.

In an instant, his phone was flung away and smashed into pieces.

Coincidentally, Davian came in. When he saw Gilbert’s dark expression, he could not help but warily ask, “What’s the matter, Mr. Kooper?”

Gilbert did not say a word.

Instead, he grabbed his coat from the back of his chair and walked out.

Davian hurriedly asked, “Where are you going, Mr. Kooper?”

Davian looked exhausted. He had bloodshot eyes with dark eye circles, and he looked like he did not sleep well.

Ever since he got dumped by Felicity that night, he had been drinking all day. He was no longer his usual energetic self.

“To Athadale!”

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