Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1185

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1185

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185 Bumping Into a Familiar Face

Gilbert replied coolly and had already walked to the door of the CEO’s office.

Davian nodded with his head lowered. He looked dispirited.

“Felicity is in Athadale too.”

Suddenly, Gilbert’s voice, which mingled with the sound of the door opening, floated over.

Davian was stunned. A moment later, he quickly followed Gilbert.

“Mr. Kooper, Felicity’s back in Athadale? Since when?” he asked.

Gilbert ignored him and strode toward the elevator door, feeling incredibly irritated at the


‘How dare Kisa lie to me this way! I’m so angry!‘ he thought.

Seeing Gilbert’s furious expression, Davian did not dare to ask any more questions.

He quickly said, “I’ll book the tickets now, Mr. Kooper. I’ll follow you to Athadale!”

At the square outside of the Athadale airport, Kisa was sitting on a stone bollard.

Her stomach finally stopped hurting after she rested there for a while.


Then, she took out a notepad from her bag and checked the name of the hotel she had pre- booked.

The hotel Kisa had booked was close to the Mullen family’s residence.

‘It’ll be more convenient when I attend Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday banquet,‘ she thought.

Just as Kisa opened her notepad, a pair of silver stilettoes came into view.

She trailed her gaze along the stilettoes and looked up. Then, she saw Felicity with a bright smile on her face.

“Hey, Mrs. Kooper! What a coincidence.”

To Kisa, Athadale was still a relatively unfamiliar place.

Even though she had been here twice, she came with someone both times, so she did not feel a sense of hesitation the previous times.

However, Kisa came alone this time. Other than feeling a sense of unfamiliarity, she also felt clueless and helpless.

That was why she felt happy and had a sense of familiarity seeing Felicity here.

“What a coincidence,” Kisa quickly stood up.

She continued, “Did you return from Calthon?”

“That’s right. I was invited to Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday banquet, so I rushed back to attend it.

Kisa was shocked. “You’re also attending Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday banquet?”

“Mhm. You’re also here to attend the birthday banquet, right?”

Felicity asked and deliberately glanced at the space beside Kisa with a smile, “Huh? Are you alone? Where’s your clingy husband?”

Kisa’s eyes glinted. Then, she smiled, “He’s busy. I didn’t want to bother him, so I came alone.”

“Oh…” Felicity nodded with a smile. However, she did not expose Kisa.

She continued, “By the way, do you have a place to say? If you don’t, you could stay at my place!”

“No, no, no…” Kisa waved her hands in a panic, “I’ve already booked a hotel.”

“That won’t do. It’s not safe for a woman to stay in a hotel alone. Stay at my place. I live alone anyway. Besides, we could go to the birthday banquet together tomorrow.”

Felicity was very enthusiastic.

However, Kisa still felt a little hesitant. After all, she and Felicity were not particularly close, so it did not seem appropriate to stay at her house.

Felicity grabbed Kisa’s hands as if she saw through her worries.

Then, she smiled in a friendly manner, “There’s no need to be shy. Based on my relationship with Mr. Kooper, you can stay at my house forever, as long as you want to.”


“No buts. Come on! Judging from how pale you look, you must have motion sickness. Hurry up and rest at my place. My car is parked at the parking lot nearby,” Felicity said while pulling Kisa toward the parking lot.

Kisa smiled and stopped refusing.

‘Naturally, staying at Felicity’s is a good thing. Number one, it’s convenient; number two, I’ll be safe,‘ she thought.

By eight o’clock in the evening, Gilbert was finally on a flight heading to Athadale.

Throughout the journey, Gilbert had an incredibly dark expression that looked terrifying.

Davian said to him cautiously, “Judging from the time, we should reach Athadale at twelve- thirty midnight.”


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