Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1186

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1186

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186 I Want to Sit Beside the Handsome Man

Gilbert chuckled icily at Davian. Then, he said through suppressed anger, “I waited at the airport for four whole hours.”

Davian’s smile stiffened, and his voice turned quieter, “It can’t be helped, Mr. Kooper. There weren’t any tickets left for earlier flights to Athadale. Only the one at this hour was left. The flights after this one are at a much later time.”

Gilbert closed his eyes as if he was trying his best to suppress his anger.

The flight cabin was a little noisy. Since it was boarding time for the flight passengers, many were walking on the aisles.

Davian watched as Gilbert’s expression grew darker. He quietly defended himself. “Sorry, Mr. Kooper. Since you wanted to go to Athadale early, this was the only earliest flight available. And, the business class tickets were sold out, so… So, we have to sit in economy class.”

Then, a plump middle–aged lady came forcing her way in, “Excuse me, handsome. Hurry up and make way. I want to

I want to go in.”

Davian quickly stood up and moved aside.

Meanwhile, Gilbert did not move. He clenched his fists and placed them on his knees.

Davian could clearly detect his anger.

He quickly grabbed the plump middle–aged lady and said with a smile, “Can I switch seats with you, ma’am?”

The middle–aged lady was startled. “Where’s your seat?”

“Here. This is the one. It’s by the aisle.”

The lady looked at Gilbert, who was sitting in the middle. A moment later, she nodded in agreement, “Alright, then.”

Right after the lady answered, Davian hurriedly shoved Gilbert on the shoulder, “Move inside, Mr. Kooper. Sit by the window.”

‘If Mr. Kooper sits at the innermost seat, he won’t get disturbed by others moving in and out,‘ he thought.

However, the middle–aged lady suddenly changed her mind when she saw Gilbert

preparing to get up.

“No, no, no… I won’t be switching seats with you anymore. I want to sit beside the handsome man.”

Davian looked awkward.

‘She’s already a middle–aged lady. Why is she still into handsome men? Besides, am I not a handsome man? Even though I’m not as good–looking as Mr. Kooper, I’m still a handsome man, okay?!‘ he thought.

“I won’t be switching seats. I want to sit at the innermost seat,” the lady said.

Then, she forcefully squeezed her way in as if she was worried that someone would steal her seat.

While the lady was forcing her way in, her two-hundred-pound figure caused Gilbert to topple back into the chair.

Since Gilbert was already in a bad mood, this made his anger go up a notch.

He clenched his fists tightly and looked as though he was about to explode.

Davian grabbed his arm in a panic.

“Mr. Kooper, I’ll change seats with you. You’ll sit in the outermost seat. Sit at the outmost seat.” he whispered.

Then, he quickly helped Gilbert into the outermost seat.

The middle–aged lady was instantly displeased. She complained, “I want to sit beside the handsome man. Stop changing seats, you two. Let me sit beside the handsome man.”

Davian was enraged. He shot daggers at her. “How is the two of us changing seats any of your business? You just have to stay put in your own seat.”

The lady mumbled something and stopped talking.

With a tense expression on his handsome face, Gilbert clenched his fists tightly.

Then, he said to Davian through gritted teeth, “Next time, if the Kooper family’s helicopter is not repaired on time when it’s out of service, I’ll hold you accountable.”

Davian pouted helplessly, “But, that’s not within my job scope.”

The two initially planned to use the Kooper family’s helicopter since they could not book any tickets.

However, the helicopter had somehow broken down and could not work at all.

Davian ran out of ideas, so he quickly booked two tickets for the earliest flight.

‘Even though it’s economy class, we can arrive at Athadale earlier,‘ he thought.

“Whoa! Is this where you stay?”

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