Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1187

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1187

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1187

Chapter 1187 | Really Do Have to Thank Your Husband

In front of Kisa was a double–story wooden loft with a brightly lit attic.

There was a massive tree in the courtyard that had tables and chairs placed beneath, all of which were adorned with decorative lights. They looked bright, relaxing, and romantic.

There were also some flowers and plants un one side of the courtyard.

Next to the flowers and plants were some rattan swing chairs.

Kisa really liked the environment. It felt comfortable and relaxing.

“Yep. This is my long–term residence at Athadale. Come on. Let’s go inside,” Felicity said with a smile.

Then, she walked into the house while pulling her luggage in one hand and holding Kisa in

the other.

“You’re home, Ms. Jennings,” two servants greeted them by the door.

One of the servants took the luggage from Felicity’s hand while the other led them to the dining hall.

“Ms. Jennings, we prepared dinner beforehand since you told us that you’d be coming home.”

“Thank you. That’ll be all for now.”

“Yes, Ms. Jennings.”

After dismissing the servants, Felicity enthusiastically pulled Kisa into a chair in the dining


There were ten exquisite dishes on the dining table.

Kisa scanned their surroundings and asked in confusion, “Do you really live alone?”

“Yeah. But now that you’re here, I won’t feel bored for the next few days.”

Felicity said while filling a bowl of soup for Kisa.

Kisa quickly took the bowl and said, “Thank you.”

“The truth is, my family are all in Athadale,” Felicity said.

Kisa turned to her, puzzled. “Then, why aren’t you staying with them? Wouldn’t it be livelier to stay together?”

Felicity smiled sadly. “That’s because they want to marry me off. I refused, so I moved out. Back then, my family provided me with food and accommodation. I was useless. They were certain that I couldn’t survive if I moved out, so they told me that I’ll have to accept the marriage they arranged if I wished to return to the Jennings family.”

Kisa pursed her lips.

‘Every family has their own problems,‘ she thought.

“But, I’ve always been a stubborn person,” Felicity suddenly smiled.

Then, she continued, “I’d rather starve to death than marry someone I’ve never even met. Otherwise, life would be so meaningless.”

“So, what happened after that?”

Everyone had different views on feelings and marriage, so Kisa did not express her opinions.

“What happened after that…” Felicity gave Kisa a few chicken nuggets.

Kisa smiled in embarrassment, “You’re too kind. I can take them myself.”

“Well, I really do have to thank your husband for what happened after that.”

Kisa paused from eating.

She was more used to hearing the name “Gilbert Kooper.” Hearing the phrase “your husband” always made her freeze. Then, she would remain startled for a while before she realized that they were talking about Gilbert.

“Back then, I was in a washed–up state. The ladies and gents who were really close to me all stopped talking to me. Just as I was about to compromise with my family, I met your


Kisa listened in silence.

This was her first–time hearing others talking about Gilbert’s past.

“Back then, I was being mocked and picked on by my then–nemesis. I was even beaten up black and blue, so I hid in a corner and cried. Then, your husband suddenly showed up in front of me and asked what I was good at.”

Kisa was a little intrigued.

She asked with a smile, “What did you answer?”

“At the time, I didn’t really know what I was good at. All I did was eat and play. And so, I said I was good at eating.”

“Pfft!” Kisa could not help but let out a muffled laugh.

Felicity said in amusement, “Don’t even get me started. This skill of mine actually helped me. Your husband immediately handed me a card and told me, since you’re good at eating, go open a restaurant. If you succeed in doing so, pay me back. And if you don’t succeed, I’ll just take it as a failed investment.”

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