Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1188

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1188

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188 He Was Considered Widowed Back Then

Hearing this, Kisa could not help but laugh.

“I couldn’t tell he was such a helpful person.”


Felicity continued, “I asked him back then why he helped me. Guess what he said?”

“What did he say?” Kisa was a little curious.

‘After all, Gilbert doesn’t seem like someone who would interfere with other people’s affairs. Moreover, he isn’t particularly kind, either. He doesn’t have a reason to fund someone who has nothing to do with him unless he was interested in Felicity back then. But that’s impossible. If he was interested in Felicity, he wouldn’t have introduced her to Davian,‘ she thought.

While Kisa was in deep thought, Felicity suddenly flashed her an odd smile, “At the time, he said, that was how his wife was bullied when she was younger.”

Kisa froze.

Felicity peered at her eagerly, “You’re the only wife he has, right? Tsk, tsk. You two have known each other since childhood, huh? A relationship that’s over ten years. How romantic!

‘I envy a love like this, a marriage that lasts over time. Even though Davian initially didn’t meet my requirements for consideration, we liked each other, so I accepted him. But that man’s a loser; I always had to make the first move, and he would always leave me behind,”

thought Felicity.

Upon thinking of Davian, Felicity felt a tightness in her chest.

Meanwhile, Kisa had many thoughts running through her head because of Felicity’s words.

She asked Felicity, “When did you and Gilbert meet?”

“Hmm… Let me think…” Felicity said.

After thinking for a while, she continued, “I think it was in 2016.”

‘2016? Isn’t that the second year after my “death“? I didn’t know Gilbert was still thinking about me then,‘ thought Kisa.

Seeing Kisa in a daze, Felicity suddenly said earnestly, “Mr. Kooper really is a good man and a good husband. He’s almost always thinking about you. I’ve seen too many couples that seem intimate on the surface but are actually not, so I started feeling repulsed about the subject of marriage. To be honest, I’m quite envious of you.”

Kisa suppressed the mix of emotions she felt within and said teasingly, “Why weren’t you

interested in Gilbert when he assisted you financially? Normally, in stories like that, you, as the woman, should devote yourself to him.”

“Blegh! Didn’t he have you as his wife back then? I have morals; I will never be the third party or a ‘lightbulb‘ in someone’s relationship.”

Felicity said earnestly with a rather cute expression.

Kisa lowered her gaze and smiled, “Wasn’t I ‘dead‘ at the time? He was considered widowed back then.”

“Widowed my *ss!” Felicity suddenly cussed as if she remembered something which angered her.

She growled, “When I paid him back, I tripped over something. Coincidentally, I fell into his arms, and he actually thought I was trying to seduce him. At the time, he warned me something along the lines of how he has a wife and that I shouldn’t be delusional. Then he said even though everyone says his wife is dead, in this heart, his wife is still alive in this world!”

Kisa felt her heart waver.

Before she could mull over Felicity’s words, Felicity suddenly asked in anger, “Is Gilbert not right in the head? Isn’t he too confident for no reason? When did I ever say I liked him? That sort of icy man isn’t even my type. Forget about him being married, I wouldn’t be interested in him even if he was single!”

Kisa replied in amusement, “Don’t be angry. He’s not right in the head. He’s not worthy of you.”

Meanwhile, Gilbert suddenly sneezed twice consecutively on the plane.

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