Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1189

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1189

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1189

Chapter 1189 Sneezing Once and Twice

Davian was shocked. He asked in a panic, “What’s the matter, Mr. Kooper? Are you cold? Should I help you ask for a blanket?”

“No. It’s just two sudden sneezes. I’m fine!” Gilbert said.

Then, he crossed his arms and continued resting his eyes.

Suddenly, the middle-aged lady beside them mumbled, “Sneezing once means someone’s thinking of you; sneezing twice means someone’s insulting you. Someone might be insulting you.”

Davian glanced at the lady beside them in annoyance.

‘Aren’t you a busybody?!’ he thought.

The lady coughed twice uncomfortably and sat in a well-behaved manner.

However, she would still occasionally steal glances at Gilbert.

She had never seen such a good-looking man in her life. No matter how she looked at him, he seemed like some celebrity.

Davian, who was sitting in the middle, had noticed the lady’s improper gaze long ago.

In order to prevent the lady’s gaze from disrupting Gilbert, Davian purposefully

straightened him back to obstruct the lady’s view.

When the lady leaned back, Davian would also lean back.

Suddenly, the lady shot up as if she was ticked off.

Davian was startled, “What’re you doing?”

The middle-aged lady huffed angrily, “The washroom. Why do you need to know?”

Davian frowned in frustration, “Didn’t you just go?”

“Can’t I have frequent urination?” the lady said while forcefully shoving her plump figure outward.

Davian got squished against the seat and had no choice but to lift his legs and curl up in his seat.

When the lady forced her way over to Gilbert, he frowned slightly and got up. Then, he quickly stood at the aisle.

The lady got out and giggled at Gilbert.

Gilbert had a dark expression and did not respond.

After the lady went to the washroom, Gilbert did not return to his seat and continued

standing in the aisle.

Davian said to him apologetically, “Bear with it a little longer, Mr. Kooper. We’ll be there in an hour.”

Gilbert still did not speak. However, his suppressed anger could be seen in his tense jaw.

The middle-aged lady returned shortly. As she forced her way back to her seat, she purposefully slowed down her movements and openly stared at Gilbert.

Davian huffed, irritated, “Hurry up and go in. My legs hurt from curling up.”

The lady rolled her eyes at him and continued forcing her way in slowly.

Davian had to take deep breaths to resist his urge of wanting to beat someone up.

A while later, the three finally got seated.

Davian whispered softly to Gilbert, “Don’t be mad, Mr. Kooper. It’s just one more hour. Lean back and take a nap. We’ll be there when you wake up.”

Gilbert snorted icily. Then, he turned to his side and continued closing his eyes.

However, he only rested for a while before the middle-aged lady stood up again.

Davian said with a dark expression, “What is it this time?”

“The… The washroom!”

Davian gritted his teeth angrily, “You’ve gone six times within the short span of two hours. What is the meaning of this? Can’t you let others rest?”

“Well, I have frequent urination. What’s the matter? What does my going to the washroom have to do with you? You’re shameless!”

Davian was so furious that he was speechless.

Suddenly, Gilbert shot up and stood at the aisle again.

Davian peered at him cautiously. He noticed Gilbert’s jaw was extremely tensed and clenched in anger.

After the middle-aged lady forced her way out, she stared and smiled at Gilbert for a while.

Meanwhile, Gilbert closed his eyes out of anger,

After the lady left, Davian quickly whispered to him, “Mr. Kooper, how about I switch seats with you?”

Gilbert gave him a half smile, “Is there a difference?”

‘Well… There really isn’t,’ thought Davian.

The middle-aged lady went to the washroom several more times.

In the end, Gilbert did not return to his seat and instead just remained standing in the aisle

for the rest of the hour.

Davian felt bad seeing Gilbert try his best to hold back his anger. He could only hope for the plane to quickly arrive at the Athadale airport.

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