Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1192

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1192

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192 Looking for His Wife

Gilbert stayed quiet. He then turned around and walked toward the airport exit. Davian sighed and followed him out hurriedly.

After Felicity and Kisa had dinner, they ran to the wooden bench in the yard to chat. The plants and warm light surrounding the bench made the atmosphere romantic. Felicity asked the servants to bring them tons of snacks and fruits, as well as some fruit wine.

Holding the glass in her hand, she continued to complain about Gilbert to Kisa. “Don’t you think that he’s narcissistic? He thinks that every woman likes him just because he’s handsome. Well, I don’t.”

“Yeah,” Kisa agreed and took a sip of the fruit wine. ‘Yum,’ she thought. Felicity instantly felt happy hearing her agree.

She sipped the wine and continued, “You’re the only one who gets it. The guy is handsome, don’t get me wrong, but that temper and gloomy face of his is simply unbearable.”

“I know, right? No woman can stand him with that temper.” She wasn’t sure whether it was because of Felicity’s complaints or something else, but Kisa followed her lead and started to express how annoyed she was about the man too.

“If it weren’t for his looks and family background, no woman would ever fall for him.”

“He is the worst-tempered man I’ve ever met. He always loses his temper at everything. He is so domineering and likes to restrict other people’s freedom. His whole character is not pleasing at all.”

The more the two women criticized him back and forth between each other, the more

enthusiastic they became. They continued to enjoy the snacks and fine wine and did not notice the two people standing at the courtyard gate. One of the servants who came out with more food saw them and said in shock, “Ah! W-Who are you two?!” The two women then turned their heads to look toward the gate.

When they saw who they were, both were shocked. Kisa pursed her lips and lowered her head as if she had done something guilty. Felicity glared at Davian and smiled at Gilbert as she said, “Hey, Mr. Kooper. You came looking for your wife all the way out here?”

Gilbert’s face was frighteningly dark. He walked into the premises one step at a time and said with a smirk, “Well, I wouldn’t be able to hear all the ‘nice’ things you guys said about

me if I didn’t come out here now, would I?”

Kisa lowered her head again. If she knew he would show up, she would have stopped speaking ill of that man just now. She never thought he would be there so quickly, especially since she turned off her phone and did not tell him where she was. ‘I was expecting him to at least come tomorrow,’ she thought. ‘Why did he have to show up when I was in the middle of talking sh*t about him?’

Felicity let out a few chuckles and said, “We were complimenting you.”

“Do you think I’m deaf?” He sat over and sneered. “We said you were handsome and rich. Aren’t those compliments?” Felicity smiled at him and asked.

Gilbert snorted coldly. He ignored her and stared straight at Kisa, which made her feel even more guilty. She lowered her head even more, wanting to bury it in the plate in front of her.

Gilbert pursed his lips and said coolly, “I didn’t know shopping meant coming to Athadale.” Kisa clasped her hands together and said in a low voice, “I… I was shopping at the malls here.”


“Liar!” Gilbert suddenly slammed the table and said angrily.

Kisa was startled. She looked up at him and saw his dark gaze. Her heart trembled, and her whole body instinctively shrank back in fear.

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