Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1193

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1193

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1193

Chapter 1193 Take Us In

When Felicity saw how Gilbert was acting, she hurriedly said, “What do you think you’re doing? This is my territory. Don’t bring your temper here! Get out of here if you want to act like that. Kisa is MY guest. Don’t you dare scare her.”

“She’s MY wife!” Gilbert roared, mad at Felicity for “kidnapping” his wife. Kisa clenched her hands tightly, unable to figure out what the man was thinking. He had been treating her indifferently, like a stranger, during that period of time. ‘Why would he even bother coming to Athadale when I could be out of his sight and out of his mind? Why bother emphasizing to someone that I’m his wife? Didn’t his cold attitude mean he doesn’t want to stay in this relationship anymore?’

While Kisa was overthinking everything, Felicity suddenly said contemptuously, “You can’t just lose your temper like this, even if she’s your wife. It can be considered domestic violence. Be careful lest she leaves you. I mean, no one can bear that bad temper except for her!”

Gilbert narrowed his eyes dangerously and said, “Try saying that again.”

“I said…”

Just as Felicity was about to speak, Davian hurried over. “Calm down, Mr. Kooper. We’ve found her.” After Davian tried to coax Gilbert, he looked at Felicity and said, “Stop arguing with Mr. Kooper. He suffered a lot today.”

“Ha…Ha…Ha…” Felicity laughed instantly. “What does that have to do with me? I’m not the one who made him suffer. Besides…”

Felicity glared at him immediately and frowned in disgust before she continued, “Who the f *ck are you and who the hell let you into my yard? Get out!”

Davian tightened his jaw when he saw how disgusted Felicity looked. Not knowing whether it was because of anger or sadness, he quietly clenched his fists.

Gilbert glanced at him and said to Felicity, “Alright, alright. We’re all friends here. There’s no need to be harsh. Besides, he’s my assistant; he goes where I go.”

“Okay then, both of you, get out!”

Gilbert’s face darkened completely. “Who are you telling to get out?”

“Him!” Felicity immediately pointed her finger at Davian; her dislike for him was clear immediately.

Davian pursed his lips and said, “You’ve found her, Mr. Kooper. I’ll let the two of you get together and take my leave. Call me if you need anything.” He then walked toward the gate as Gilbert grabbed his arm and said to Kisa, “Come on, let’s go to the hotel.”

Kisa was taken aback. “Me?” She asked. “What? Do you want to stay here?” He replied.

“Hey! What are you saying, Gilbert Kooper? I told you to go, not Kisa. If you want to leave, then go. Don’t drag her with you,” Felicity added. She then hugged onto Kisa’s arm as if afraid Gilbert would drag her away.

“Either you take the three of us in, or I take them to a hotel. Your pick,” Gilbert snorted coldly, but Felicity glared at Davian in anger.

Davian suddenly seemed upset; he gently pushed Gilbert’s hand away and said in a low voice, “Forget it, Mr. Kooper. There’s no need to cause trouble for Ms. Jennings. I’ll just leave.”

When Felicity saw how pitiful he looked, she was a little disturbed. “Okay, okay. All of you can stay here. My property is huge; there are tons of rooms to sleep in. It’s fine as long as a certain someone

doesn’t interrupt me,” she said as she gave Davian a sideways glance, annoyed.

Davian lowered his head and remained silent. Kisa felt that the atmosphere was getting awkward. She picked up her wine and laughed, “Alright, we can stop arguing. The moon is beautiful tonight, and the environment around us is too. Let’s chat and have some wine. Come on, cheers!”

Gilbert’s expression became tense as he narrowed his gaze and stared at the glass in her hand…

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