Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1200

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1200

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1200

Chapter 1200 When He Sleeps, She Can’t Be Close

Anthony impatiently grunted as he saw her standing at the door.

Lea bit her lower lip. She walked toward him, taking small steps.

Just when she reached the bedside, he suddenly pulled her down onto the bed. He then took off her dressing gown.

Lea panicked. She hurriedly pressed against his chest.


Anthony coldly squinted, “You rejected me several times. What’s wrong? Are you really seeing someone else?”

“No.” Lea quickly shook her head. She felt that it was difficult to tell him what was happening.

“Why’d you reject me if you’re not cheating on me? Don’t forget that you climbed into my bed yourself back then!”

Anthony shouted. Lea turned him off.

He was still obsessed with her body.

He had fun with many women these days. But whenever he was having s*x with them, he would unconsciously think of Lea’s face. And then the s*x would become uninteresting.

When Lea saw him get mad, she unwittingly became softer as she resisted him.

She wanted to make him happy after all.

She softly said, “I’m not feeling so well. C–Can you be gentler?”

Anthony grinned evilly as he leaned over…

After quite a while, he was finally satisfied. He then rolled over to the side.

Lea pulled up the blanket to cover her body.

She unconsciously covered her lower abdomen with her hand under the blanket.

Luckily, Anthony had been gentle. There was no discomfort in her stomach.

During the whole process just now, she was distracted and worried.

Anthony noticed that.

He took out a cigarette and lit it. He coldly grunted, “If I find out that you’re cheating on me, I’ll kill you.”

Lea quickly shook her head, “No. I’m not. You’re the only man of my life.”

What she said clearly made him happy.

And since he just had sexual intercourse, his mood seemed a lot better compared to earlier.

Lea rested for a while. She then got up and wanted to take a shower in the bathroom.

Just when she was wrapping herself in the bath towel, Anthony suddenly stared directly at her tummy.

Lea was frightened by the way he looked at her. She hastily covered her stomach with the towel.

But he sneered, “You just gained some weight. What’s there to hide? I don’t mind that.”

Lea could not help but give a sigh of relief as she heard what he said.

‘Luckily he just thought I gained some weight.‘

She pursed her lips as she turned around to walk toward the bathroom.

Anthony stared unwaveringly at her back. His eyes were gloomy.

After she came out of the bathroom, he suddenly said, “I’ll bring you to the hospital for a body checkup tomorrow. Your constant vomiting is very off–putting.”

“No, no, no…” Lea was shocked for a moment. She hurriedly shook her head, “I don’t want to go to the hospital. I’m fine. It’s just that I vomited once in a while. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

Anthony was upset for no reason when he saw Lea reject him so hastily.

He extinguished the cigarette as he faintly said, “Whatever works for you. Just don’t puke in front of me anymore. It bothers me when I see that.”

He laid under the blanket as he said that. It seemed like he wanted to sleep.

Lea softly let out a breath of relief. She then laid down next to him. But she kept herself half a meter away from him.

When he slept, he did not allow her to sleep right next to him.

Just when she laid down, Anthony suddenly said, “Attend my old man’s birthday party with me tomorrow night.”

Lea’s body trembled, “W–Why?”

“There’s no ‘why‘. I just need a date.”

Lea pressed her lips as she smiled. She was a little surprised since he had never brought her to a public place. And he was bringing her to his father’s birthday party this time, no


‘Does this mean that he’s slowly accepting me?”

But little did she know, this party would mark the beginning of her fall into the abyss.

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