Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1199

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1199

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199 This Is All We Can Be


Gilbert responded calmly without saying anything else.

Kisa licked her dry lips and continued,

wife got

“She said that you only helped her because she reminded you of how your mistreated in her younger times when those people attacked her. You… you…”

“What is it?”

The man asked, his voice deep in the pitch–dark room.

Kisa pursed her lips and suddenly stopped talking.

Actually, she did not know what she was trying to say either.

She only brought that up because she wanted to know how he felt toward her back then.

Gilbert suddenly got closer to her in the bed and wrapped his long arm around her waist.

Kisa froze, but her heart felt somewhat warm.

“I’ve told you before that I started caring for you and liking you ever since we were kids, but you wouldn’t believe me. You’ve never trusted the feelings I have for you until now, so why are you bringing this up now?”

Gilbert’s deep voice was tinged with anger and sadness.

Kisa wanted to say something, but she just could not find the right words.

After all, it was true that she did not believe that he genuinely loved her.

That was because all those things that he had done to hurt her back then were not fake at all.

She just could not believe that he loved her with his heart after the things he had done.

Gilbert said flatly after noticing that Kisa stopped talking, “Just go to sleep. This is all we can be anyway. There’s no point talking about it.”

Kisa did not believe in him.

However, Gilbert also thought that the person she loved was Jensen.

So, their relationship could only be like that. They were married in name, but their hearts could never truly connect with each other.

Meanwhile, in the Century Grand Hotel at Athadale, Lea was vomiting in the washroom, feeling awful. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door and startled her.

She quickly grabbed a piece of tissue to wipe her mouth. As she looked at the man who

stood at the door, her face turned pale.

Anthony frowned in disdain, “You’ve been puking so frequently. You should see a doctor if you’re not feeling well. Don’t you think what you’re doing is very disgusting?”

Lea grabbed ahold of her shirt around her stomach and quickly shook her head. “I’m not feeling unwell. It’s probably something I ate.”

Lea would always tell him the same thing whenever he saw her vomit.

Anthony was starting to get annoyed.

He scoffed. “Clean yourself up and get out of there.”

After that, he turned around and left before he slammed the door shut.

Lea looked at her belly sadly.

‘What should I do? He’s going to find out about it sooner or later. What if he forces me to get an abortion?‘

She loved that baby very much, and it was her everything. She really wanted to keep the baby.

She had no idea what she should do.

Lea huddled in the corner helplessly, freezing.

After some time, Anthony started kicking on the door from the outside, annoyed.

“Get out of there if you’re done. Did you pass out inside?”

Lea forced herself to lift her head up. She recollected herself and said at the door,” Coming. I’ll be done soon.”

She held herself up against the wall as she spoke. Then, she turned on the shower head to rinse her body before she brushed her teeth and walked outside.

Anthony was smoking on the bed.

He took his shirt off and covered the lower part of his body with the blanket.

There were a few scratches on the man’s muscular chest, but none of them came from her.

She had never done anything intimate with the man ever since she got pregnant.

She would reject the man whenever he was in the mood for it because of the baby.

However, Anthony had probably sent somebody to dump her in this hotel because he got bored of her, and he never showed up in front of her.

That was his first–time meeting her after she came to Athadale.

If he had not shown up today, Lea would have assumed that Anthony had forgotten about her existence.

Whenever he was not around, she would miss him and look forward to seeing him.

But now when he was in front of her in the flesh, all she felt was fear.

“Come here!”

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