Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1198

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1198

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198 She Was Wrong About Him

Kisa bowed her head down. “Everything’s normal. It ended after I took the medicine.”

Gilbert was relieved after hearing what she said.

‘The baby should be fine if she’s not bleeding anymore.”

He could not help but furrow his brows after realizing that she had drunk alcohol earlier.

“You need to stop drinking, for a while at least.”


Gilbert got mad after seeing the defiant look on Kisa’s face. “Didn’t I just tell you that your body is recovering? How could you still drink? Alcohol is bad for your health anyway.”

Kisa knew that if she showed any resistance, Gilbert was going to lose his temper again. So, she quickly nodded. “O–Okay then.”

Gilbert’s facial expression softened after hearing her agree.

Then, Kisa looked at him and said after noticing that he was not that mad anymore, “Okay, I’m going to take a shower now. I’m really tired.”

“You just told me that you weren’t tired!” Gilbert said angrily.

Kisa walked toward the bathroom as she turned her head back and said, “I’m tired now after getting lectured by you.”

Gilbert stared at her receding back and anger rose in him like a tide.

His head was awash with all sorts of emotions as he leaned against the wall while he watched Kisa go into the bathroom.

He was furious after knowing how Kisa lied to him and came to Athadale secretly without him. He even tried to think of countless ways to scold and punish her.

However, his heart went soft, and he just could not find himself doing any of that when he saw her.

He lifted the corner of his mouth ironically.

Indeed, he had fallen for her very hard and there was just no turning back for him.

In the bathroom, Kisa pinched her waist with her fingers.

She felt like she had gotten fatter, and her belly was starting to show.

‘Have I been eating too much? It looks like I should go on a diet. After all, I should always keep my body weight in check as a celebrity and public figure.’

Kisa stood in front of the mirror and looked at her own reflection. Suddenly, Gilbert’s face

popped into her head.

She thought Gilbert would go nuts, lose his temper, and scold her after finding out she had lied to him.

However, all he did was confront her calmly.

So, she figured that up until now, she had thought of him as more ferocious than he really


Suddenly, she remembered what Felicity told her when they were eating earlier.

Felicity described Gilbert as a man who loved his wife very much and would do anything for her unfailingly.

But at that time Felicity was talking about, Kisa was supposed to be “dead“.

At the time, Gilbert did not have to act like a devoted husband in front of anybody at all. If he had just been doing that for publicity, he could have just put on an act only when in front of the media.

However, from what she knew, he had never brought up the death of his wife in front of the media at all.

Kisa washed her face, irritated and confused.

‘Whatever. I need to stop thinking about it.‘

She could never figure out what was in that man’s mind anyway.

She walked out of the bathroom and saw the man enjoying the night breeze while leaning on the window.

Gilbert reached out for the window handle and slightly closed the window, leaving just a small gap after seeing her.

“I’m done. It’s your turn now.”

Gilbert kept his silence after hearing what she said and went into the bathroom.

Kisa looked at his back. She thought of saying something but changed her mind.

Then, she laid on the bed. She was clearly drained, but she just could not fall asleep.

After a while, Gilbert came out of the bathroom.

He could not help but ask after seeing Kisa stare into space on the bed, “Don’t you know how late it is already? Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I’m sleeping now,” Kisa spoke as she snuggled into the sheets.

After drying his hair, Gilbert went to lie down on the bed too.

None of them spoke.

After the table lamp was switched off, the room fell into complete darkness.

Kisa twiddled her thumb and asked with her back on him, “Did you sponsor all the hotels

that Felicity mentioned just now?”

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