Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1202

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1202

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1202

Chapter 1202 The First Girl He Dated

Gilbert laughed as he said, “If you really don’t like him, I’ll persuade him to forget about you and ask him to stop troubling you when he’s sober.”

“I…” Felicity looked unnatural as she said, “I didn’t say I don’t like him. It’s just that he always makes me angry.”

Felicity furiously glanced at the man on her leg as she said.

Gilbert shook his head as he said with a smile, “Actually, you can’t blame him. After all, he’s never dated any woman in the past. So, there are many things that he still doesn’t understand. Nor does he know anything about romance and how to impress a girl.”

“You weren’t born to date a girl too. How did you know how to impress a girl and how to take care of a woman’s emotions from the very beginning?” Felicity angrily said.

Gilbert subconsciously looked at Kisa.

Kisa expressionlessly said, “I’m not the first woman that you dated. Why are you looking at me?”

‘I think the first girl he dated was Sara back then. From what I remember, the only girlfriend that he ever admitted he had was Sara. So, I guess only she knows if he knew about romance and how to impress a girl from the start.’

Gilbert’s face was gloomy suddenly. He then faintly said to Felicity, “Do as you guys like. I’ve already set you two up. Whether you guys can get along or not, that’s all up to you two.” After he said that, he then grabbed Kisa’s hand to walk upstairs.

Felicity was surprised as she stared at him, “What’s wrong with you? Why did you get angry so easily? I didn’t insult you. In fact, I even complimented you.”

Gilbert took Kisa’s hand to walk upstairs without looking back.

Felicity grunted, ‘He’s indeed a moody guy.‘

After a while, she then lowered her eyes to look at the man who was still hugging her legs. “Get off of me. Stop pretending!”

However, no matter how furiously she shouted, Davian still hugged her legs and refused to let go.

She couldn’t tell if he really was drunk or not. He played coy as he mumbled, “I want to sleep in your room. Felicity, please don’t get rid of me. Boohoo. Felicity… I want to be with


Felicity rolled her eyes. In desperation, she could only drag him along with her as she walked upstairs.

‘I slept very late last night. And I was woken up so early in the morning today. I can’t even open my eyes now. And I still need to deal with this scoundrel. I’m so annoyed!‘

Back in the room, Gilbert quietly took off his robe and started getting dressed.

Kisa saw that he was upset. But she did not know why he was mad.

She stood at the door for a while before she asked, “Are you going out?”


The man faintly answered. He looked like he did not want to speak to her.

Kisa was speechless. ‘If he doesn’t want to talk to me. Why did he bring me upstairs? Did he intentionally want me to see his angry face?

‘But it’s so obvious that he’s mad. I can see it without him deliberately showing me that.‘

Gilbert speedily got dressed.

His physical attractiveness and fashion sense were just too good. With just a simple suit, he could portray an elegant and fashionable image.

Kisa couldn’t help but gaze at him.

Gilbert struggled for a long time trying to put on his tie, but he couldn’t do it. Kisa assumed it was probably because he was upset. In the end, he got so angry that he just gave up and threw the tie onto the bed.

Kisa glanced at him, ‘I really have no idea what he’s so upset about.’

His appearance and aura made him seem like an elegant and noble gentleman, but his temper was moody and volatile.

Gilbert leaned against the window, irritated. He took out a cigarette, lighted it, and began smoking.

He opened the windows wide, and a gust of wind blew into the room. It was not cold but instead a breath of fresh air.

Kisa sighed helplessly. She then walked toward him.

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