Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1203

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1203

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203 Sort of Jealous, and Sort of Not

Gilbert subconsciously extinguished the cigarette as he saw her walking toward him.

But he did not stare directly at her. He looked out the window instead.

Kisa picked up the tie at the end of the bed before she went up to him.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you so angry?”

‘Everyone said women are hard to understand, but I feel like his mind is even harder to read.

Gilbert turned his eyes to look at her. His voice was dull, “You’re the first woman I dated. And you’re the only one too.”

Kisa was stunned for a moment.

‘So that’s why he’s upset. But what he said wasn’t true at all. Back then, he admitted that Sara was his girlfriend. And other than her, there were always other women around him. At that time, I was just a nobody who secretly had a crush on him. There’s no way I’m the first woman he dated.’

Kisa did not want to argue with him on this.

‘Whatever. It’ll only make him even angrier if I quarrel with him when he’s mad. Everyone around him will have a hard time when he’s furious.‘

“Whatever you say. If you say that I’m the first woman you dated, then I am.” Kisa faintly said. She was extremely perfunctory.

Gilbert’s face was gloomy. He looked even more upset.

Kisa was speechless. ‘This man is so hard to live with. I can’t stay on this topic any longer.‘

She tried hard to smile as she said, “All right. Don’t be mad. You’re going out, aren’t you? Come here, I’ll help you put on the tie.”

Gilbert stared at her. He did not speak.

Kisa did not talk too. She just stood on tiptoe and put the dark blue tie around his neck. She then knotted the tie smoothly.

Her fingers were slender and symmetrical. Gilbert found them beautiful.

Gilbert lowered his eyes to look for a while. He suddenly asked, “I remember… you really know how to tie a tie back then. How can you be so skilled at it now?”


“Jensen taught me. I helped him wear a tie for some time. That’s why I’m good at it now.”

Kisa subconsciously said. She did not feel that what she said was inappropriate.

But she suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her was cold.

Indeed, when she looked up, she saw Gilbert’s vicious, chilly eyes.

“You helped him wear ties? And you even did that for some time?”

Kisa was confused as she looked at him, “What’s wrong? What’s the problem?”

“You’re my woman, my wife. Why did you help him wear ties? You’ve only helped me wear my tie a few times!”

He clenched his teeth as he said. He seemed sort of jealous, and sort of not.

Kisa did not dare to overthink. She merely said, “Those tie salespeople in the mall help different people to wear the ties every day. What’s the difference?”

“It’s different.”

“What’s the difference? It’s just helping someone to wear a tie. It’s not like I was having an affair or something.”


Gilbert was furious. Rage filled his eyes as he ruthlessly stared at her.

Kisa did not want to quarrel with him.

‘It’s so tiring. The longer time goes on, the more I find that it’s hard to get along with this man. He always gives me the silent treatment, or he just gets angry for no reason. It’s like we can’t have a proper conversation.‘

She took a step back. She was preparing to sit down on the chair at the side.

Gilbert suddenly stretched his long arms to grab her shoulders as he pinned her against the


Kisa was shocked, “What are you doing…Hmm…”

Gilbert suddenly mercilessly kissed her on the lips. He was fuming. He kissed her roughly and desperately.

Autumn was a dry season, so her lips were chapped.

She felt a burning pain on her lips as he kissed her roughly.

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