Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1208

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1208

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1208

Chapter 1208 Like a Night Genie

Lea nodded, feeling nervous.

Anthony exhaled a ring of smoke and said, “If anyone asks what’s your relationship with me, just say that you are my dance partner.”

Lea was disheartened, but she still nodded obediently. “Okay.”

“One more thing, if anyone asks you what you do for a living, you must not mention that you work as a bar girl.”

It saddened Lea to hear that. ‘He still mind my previous occupation.‘ She pursed her lips. Actually, I know little about many of these etiquettes. You can always find someone better to be your dance partner, and you won’t need to-‘

“I wouldn’t have asked you if I could find a suitable partner,” Anthony suddenly interrupted her with a touch of mockery in his voice.

Lea bit her lower lip and stopped talking.

What Anthony hated the most was seeing her servile look. He got up and said, “The makeup artist will be here in a minute. I’ll pick you up at seven.” He seemed as though he did not want to stay there a moment longer as he got up and went outside. He could have found another woman with status to attend the party, but still, he chose her. Anthony did not know why he made a decision like that. He just felt like he wanted to take her to see the world.

Watching Anthony walk out, Lea lifted the hem of her dress and sat down on the couch. Then, she was lost in thought. ‘Turns out, he just didn’t find the right person. That’s why he asked me to be his dance

partner.‘ She propped her head with her hand as the joy and expectation slowly turned into anxiety. Now, she just hoped that she would not embarrass him at the party.

At 5.00 pm, Felicity had a row of evening gowns delivered. There were all kinds of colors and styles, and the large living room was turned into a fitting room.

“You two, give us your opinion and see which one looks better,” Felicity said to the two men on the couch as she picked out her evening gown.

Davian nodded gleefully. “Okay, Felicity. I’ll give you my opinion.”

Next to him, Gilbert was staring at the magazine on his lap, not even raising his head.

Curling her lips in disdain, Felicity whispered to Kisa, “Look at your man. He looks like he doesn’t care. He is a buzzkill if you go shopping with him.”

Kisa laughed. “He’s fine.”

In fact, she had also shopped with Gilbert. But, at that time, for some reason, Gilbert was trying to impress her, taking the initiative all the time. Unlike now, where he was ignoring


Kisa did not expect Gilbert to give her his opinion. She carried a black evening dress and followed Felicity to the restroom. Meanwhile, Felicity picked a red dress.

After the two went into the restroom, Davian picked up the oranges on the coffee table and peeled them to eat.

While eating, he said, “Mr. Kooper, are we really going to the party tonight?”

“Well, if she goes, I’m going with her.”

“But, I told the Mullen family the other day that you were busy and couldn’t make it.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just say that I have finished my work, and I’m free now,” Gilbert said faintly.

At that moment, two vivid colors caught the eyes of the two. One was dazzling red like fire, while the other was pure black, sexy and enchanting, like a night genie. The two men each stared at their own woman, completely hooked.

“What do you think?” Felicity asked Davian with one arm on her hip.

Davian nodded his head. “Beautiful. You look beautiful in anything.”

“Stop being so perfunctory.” Felicity huffed at him with a smile, then she looked at Gilbert. What do you think of this dress I’m wearing?”

However, Gilbert ignored her, as his eyes were glued to Kisa.

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