Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1207

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1207

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1207

Chapter 1207 Like She Had Never Seen The World

“Okay… Okay…” Lea was so excited that she was about to cry. She carefully carried the gown and then headed for the restroom.

Anthony snickered, as he thought to himself, ‘It’s just a gown, and yet it made her so happy. She is so easily satisfied.“‘

Afraid of ruining the evening gown, Lea was extremely careful when she changed into it. She had never worn such an expensive dress in her life. The point was, it was the man she loved most who gave it to her. She suddenly had a glimmer of hope in her heart, wondering if Anthony had already started to accept her, and if it was time to tell him about her pregnancy. She thought perhaps she would mention it to him after the party was over.

“Are you done yet? Is it that difficult to change into a gown?” Anthony was rushing her outside.

Lea quickly cut the thoughts from her mind and said from behind the dressing room door, Alright, almost done.” The gown, which was silver, was heavy and splendiferously stunning. Lea put it on and looked at it in the mirror, feeling that the person in the mirror did not look like herself anymore. She had never worn such a dress before, and she did not know if it looked good. She was just not used to it.

“Come out when you are done changing. Stop dilly–dallying!” Anthony was rushing her again.

Lea pursed her lips, opened the door, and walked out bashfully. Anthony glanced at her, and the next second, a glint of surprise flashed across his eyes. He got up and walked over, not taking his eyes off Lea for even one bit. He used to think that she would never look good in anything she wore because of her lowly background. But, at that moment, with the gown on, she looked so beautiful. She was no less stunning than celebrities.

Lea nervously clutched the hem of her dress as Anthony approached her. With her head lowered, she nervously asked, “D–Does it look good?”

“It looks like it fits just right.”

“Yeah, yeah, it fits just right.” She was apprehensive because he did not say whether she looked good or not. So, she guessed that it probably did not look good. With that in mind, she turned around and said, “I–I’ll take it off.”

“Come back.” Anthony yanked her back. His fingertips were touching her collarbones.

Lea tensed up and looked at him nervously. “W–What’s wrong?”

“There is one more thing missing here.” He turned around and took out a crystal necklace

from a box.

Lea’s eyes widened in surprise. The crystal necklace looked very expensive, and she had never worn such jewelry before.


Ignoring her yokel–like expression, he went behind her and put the necklace around her neck. After that, he came back around and looked at her. “Well, this is better.”

Lea was flattered. She touched the necklace around her neck. “I–Is this for me too?”

“It’s on you, so of course it’s for you. Do you want me to give something that you have worn to someone else?” Anthony said indifferently and took out a pair of high heels from another slightly larger box. He threw the shoes at her feet and said, “Try them on again and see if they fit.”

Lea suppressed her surprise and tried on the shoes. After a while, she said, “They fit just right.”

“Good.” Anthony sat back on the couch, smoking a cigarette, and indifferently said, “Later, I’ll ask the makeup artist to put on your makeup, and at seven in the evening, you will go to the party with me. There will be many people going to the party today, so when you get there, you better not walk around or talk too much.”

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