Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1206

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1206

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1206

Chapter 1206 Eavesdropping

Kisa tugged at her collar. “Yeah, it’s a little hot.”

“It can’t be. It’s late autumn. The wind is really cool, and I even feel like I’m a little underdressed,” Felicity said matter–of–factly.

Then, Gilbert looked up and said to her expressionlessly, “Be more subtle next time. Don’t be so loud because people might misunderstand you if they heard you.”

Felicity was flabbergasted and frozen for a full five seconds before coming to her senses. She smacked the table and said, “Do you have nothing better to do apart from eavesdropping on our conversation?” She was normally frank and outspoken like a man, but at that moment, she was blushing upon hearing what Gilbert said.

Gilbert leaned back in his chair, sipped his soup, and said, “I didn’t even need to eavesdrop because you were talking so loud.”

“You!” Felicity’s face was so red that it looked like a cherry.

Kisa also felt unusually embarrassed, glaring at Gilbert across the room. “Enough of that.”

Gilbert lowered his eyes and immediately stopped talking.

Felicity was still so shy that her face blushed. It seemed that people who were outwardly open and easy–going were actually quite conservative on the inside.

Kisa tugged on Felicity’s arm and said, “Come on, Felicity. Let’s eat.”

As she spoke, she lowered her head in embarrassment. If it was not for her overthinking and causing her face to blush, Gilbert would not have brought this up.

At this time, Davian came out of the house enthusiastically. “Oh, you guys are having a meal. I’m also hungry,” Davian said, quickly sitting down next to Felicity. Not noticing her anger, he helped himself to the meal. It was not until he took a couple of bites that he noticed the atmosphere was off and that Felicity’s face had turned red. He had never seen her blush before, like she was shy. But, he doubted a woman like Felicity would be shy.

He cocked his head and smiled at Felicity. “What’s wrong with you? You’re blushing a lot.”

“It’s all your fault!” Felicity snarled at him, flabbergasting him. “Never pretend to be drunk in front of me again, and never try to get sympathy from me, and never come into my room. during the day!”

Davian looked innocently at Gilbert and Kisa. ‘Could someone tell me what is going on? She was fine in the room a while ago, but after she came out, she turned into a different person.‘

Gilbert was mindlessly sipping his soup, ignoring Davian, while Kisa kept her head down and ate her food. Davian was stunned for a long while before his attention fell back on Felicity.


“Felicity, what’s wrong? What’s making you unhappy? Tell me.”

Felicity ignored him. Davian pouted helplessly, wondering if he had done something wrong.

In the Century Grand Hotel, Lea opened the box in front of her and froze at the sight of a beautiful dress inside. She just stared at it, as she did not dare to even touch it.

Anthony sat on the couch with his legs crossed and smoking at the same time. “Go ahead Try it on. I don’t know if it fits.”

“T–This is for me?” Lea asked in disbelief.

Anthony knitted his eyebrows and said with annoyance, “Do you even have to ask? Of course, it’s for you when I tell you to try it.“

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