Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1212

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1212

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1212

Chapter 1212 Mrs. Kooper, You’re So Big-Hearted

Gilbert gently hugged Kisa by the shoulder and said to Mr. Mullen Sr. with emphasis and a

smile on his face.

Mr. Mullen Sr. narrowed his eyes slightly.

A moment later, he took a puff of his cigarette. Then, he smiled meaningfully and said, “If you hadn’t mentioned it, I really would’ve forgotten that she’s your wife. If you had known that you and your wife would end up being this loving, was there a need for you and me to

leave on bad terms because of that woman?”

Kisa was stunned.

‘Mr. Mullen Sr. must be talking about Sara,’ she thought.

“Back then, I almost got you killed because of that woman. Do you remember?” Mr. Mullen

Sr. said with a smile.

However, he did not forget to observe Kisa’s reaction.

Kisa did not know why he was bringing this up at a time like this. Regardless, he certainly had bad intentions judging from the situation.

Before Gilbert could speak, Kisa said to Mr. Mullen Sr. with a polite smile, “This happened a long ago. You have a good memory, Mr. Mullen Sr.”

“Ha-ha! It’s not that I have a good memory, but it’s too memorable. I’ve been alive for years, yet I’ve never seen a man throw his life away for a woman.”

Gilbert subconsciously tightened his grip on Kisa’s shoulder as if he was worried that she would misunderstand something.

However, Kisa continued smiling politely. She said to Mr. Mullen Sr. with a smile, “It’s nothing. After all, Mr. Kooper has always been someone who values his relationships. If it was me back then, I think he would’ve thrown his life to save me too.”

Mr. Mullen Sr. froze slightly as if he did not expect Kisa to say such a thing.

A moment later, he smiled at her meaningfully and replied, “Mrs. Kooper, you’re so big


“It’s something that happened a long time ago. If we constantly fuss over such things, then we’d be giving ourselves a hard time,” Kisa said.

Then, she continued politely, “It’s your 70th birthday today. I wish you great fortune and great health.”

Then, she handed a gift to the attendant beside Mr. Mullen Sr.

Davian and Felicity quickly handed over their gifts as well.

Mr. Mullen Sr. chuckled, and his gaze toward Kisa changed a little. it was no longer as disdainful as it was before.

“Mr. Mullen Sr., you must have other guests to attend to. So, we won’t be in your way.”

“Ha-ha, alright. Go in and have fun.”

Kisa nodded politely at Mr. Mullen Sr. and walked into the banquet hall while holding onto Gilbert’s hand.

Davian and Felicity quickly followed.

Mr. Mullen Sr. stared at Kisa’s back and smirked slightly.

‘I have underestimated this woman from the start,’ he thought.

“I’m right, aren’t I, dad? This woman is Gilbert Kooper’s weakness.”

Right after Kisa and Gilbert had left, Anthony emerged from the crowd.

Mr. Mullen Sr. exhaled a smoke ring and snorted, “So what if the woman is his weakness? She’s clearly not someone who can be easily taken advantage of. You knew this woman. was his weak spot, yet I didn’t see you using her to do anything to Gilbert Kooper! You’ve been in Calthon for so long, but you still haven’t made a name for yourself!”

Anthony lowered his head, and a hint of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Mr. Mullen Sr. continued, “I heard you brought a new woman here today. Remember this, the Mullen family is great, so don’t bring random women home. Not only will it be a disgrace, but you’ll also bring shame to the family name!”

Anthony tightly clenched his fists by his sides.

‘Dignity is the most important thing to grandma. Back then, he was only interested in my mother’s beauty. He was merely toying with her. However, he didn’t expect my mother to be so scheming. After she got pregnant with his child, she used her pregnancy and the media and finally entered the Mullen family. However, my mother and I were still looked down upon,’ he thought.

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