Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1213

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1213

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213 Are You Disciplining Your Youngest Son Again?

‘People have been calling me lowly ever since I was a child. Over time, I also started to feel contempt for my mother’s status and disdain toward her birth. For years, my mother and I lived in an oppressed state. Even though my mother was still considered one of my father’s wives, she had to bow and scrape when she faced the first wife. Sometimes, even the first wife’s servants would order my mother around,’ Anthony thought.

As he thought of that, the hate within Anthony grew. His resentment toward his mother had

also increased.

‘If it wasn’t for my mother’s status, or if she hadn’t pulled those tricks to join the Mullen family, I wouldn’t have been looked down on by others,’ he thought again.

Mr. Mullen Sr. glanced at him and disdainfully said, “Alright. Why are you still standing here? Go see if Arthur is here yet. If he isn’t, go pick him up.”

“Yes, dad,” Anthony answered respectfully.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the entrance of the courtyard.

“Oh, Mr. Mullen Sr.! Happy birthday. Happy birthday.”

Mr. Mullen Sr. and Anthony looked over at the same time.

The person walking in was Adrien.

Mr. Mullen Sr. was immediately all smiles. “Ha-ha, Mr. Tanner. You’re finally here. Come in,

come in…”

He grabbed Adrien enthusiastically as if they were old friends that were reunited.

Adrien glanced at Anthony. Then, he smiled at Mr. Mullen Sr. and said, “What’s wrong? Are you disciplining your youngest son again?”

“Let’s not go there. Among all of my sons, he’s the most useless one,” Mr. Mullen Sr. said disdainfully.

Then, he growled lowly at Anthony, “Leave. Why are you still standing here?”

Anthony clenched his fists by his side and respectfully said, “Alright.”

Then, he glanced at Adrien icily before finally leaving.

‘Speaking of which, Adrien Tanner might be a huge part of why I couldn’t bring Gilbert down at Calthon. If it wasn’t for him acting as if he had secured the win and advised us not to act hastily, I wouldn’t have ended up not achieving a thing after staying in Calthon for so long. How loathsome! Nevertheless, I must bring Gilbert down. That way, dad will look at me and my mother in a different light,’ Anthony thought.

“Hey, look! Mr. Tanner is here too,” Davian whispered to Gilbert.

He stood at the center of the banquet while looking at the courtyard’s entrance.

Felicity chimed in, “Mr. Tanner is considered somebody in the business world, so it’s not surprising for him to be invited to Mr. Mullen Sr.’s birthday banquet.”

“No. I just find it weird how Mr. Tanner seems close with everyone.”

Hearing those words, Kisa could not help but feel startled.

She turned to look at the courtyard entrance. Mr. Mullen Sr. and Adrien were chatting in a chummy manner. It was as if they had known each other for a long time.

Kisa frowned slightly. Her feeling of Adrien not being what he seemed grew stronger.

She also started to doubt whether Adrien and her mother were truly old friends.

She even started to suspect Adrien of having ulterior motives for getting close to her previously.

‘But, Jensen was the one who introduced Adrien to me,’ she thought.

At the thought of Jensen, who was still in a coma, Kisa dismissed her doubts.

Jensen would never hurt me even if the whole world did,’ she thought again.

“Mr. Tanner, since you’re here, have fun at my place for a few days. What do you say?” Mr. Mullen Sr. smiled at Adrien while holding his cane.

Adrien nodded, “That’s what I had in mind. We could also discuss our other partnerships.”

He paused and thought for a while. Then, he smiled at Mr. Mullen Sr. and suggestively asked, “By the way, it’s been a few years, hasn’t it? How’s the woman I gave you? Does she know how to please you?”

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