Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1214

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1214

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214 Who Else Did You Risk Your Life For?

“That woman…” Mr. Mullen Sr.’s face flushed at the mention of the woman.

He touched the gray mustache on his chin and wickedly smirked, “That woman is very skilled. She makes me feel good every time. To be honest, that woman is amazing. Why

didn’t you keep her for yourself back then?”

“Ha-ha. Don’t you like her?”

Mr. Mullen Sr. nodded in delight. Then, he shook his head and sighed, “Say, why did Gilbert act that way back then? He was almost killed by me just to save the woman. Ultimately, the woman still ended up serving me in bed willingly.”

Adrien looked at him with a dark glint in his eyes.

Back then, Mr. Mullen Sr. grew slightly fond of me because I gave him that woman. He has even gone as far as to treat me politely every time we meet. I heard long ago that Mr. Mullen Sr. is a womanizer and likes beautiful women with hot bodies. It seems like ! made the right choice using that woman. It’s been years, yet Mr. Mullen Sr. still hasn’t gotten tired of her. He even blushed at the mention of the woman. It’s evident that the woman has some skills in bed,’ Adrien thought.

Felicity was holding herself back at the food counter.

Moments later, she eventually could not resist asking Gilbert curiously, “Who was the woman Mr. Mullen Sr. was talking about when he came in? Who else did you risk your life for other than Kisa?”

Gilbert instantly side-eyed her as if he despised her for talking too much.

Felicity pouted.

‘I’m just curious. Who doesn’t have curiosity?’ she thought.

Kisa indifferently plucked the man’s hand from her waist.

Gilbert frowned deeply. He stubbornly gripped her waist and pulled her into his arms.

The man lowered his gaze to look at her and asked sadly, “It’s a trifling matter that happened years ago, and you’re bothered by it?”

‘I knew it. She was purposefully smiling politely in front of Mr. Mullen Sr. just now. Deep down, she still resents me,’ he thought.

The woman’s tone turned dismal and was mingled with resentment.

“You’re right. It’s a trifling matter that happened years ago. But, I almost lost my life last year because of this trifling matter that happened years ago.”

‘I only learned about this trifling matter that happened years ago when I met Anthony last

year and got kidnapped by him. I would’ve never known that he almost died while saving Sara if it weren’t for that incident. Now, it looks like it wasn’t because he loved me when he almost died saving me at Kerrona Hill. After all, he risked his life for another woman,’ Kisa


Felicity grew even more curious after hearing their conversation.

Just as she was about to ask more questions, Davian quickly pulled her.

Then, he said in a helpless and soft voice, “I’m begging you, stop provoking Mr. Kooper. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

Felicity’s eyes lit up. “You know?”

“Duh. I’m Mr. Kooper’s personal assistant. Back then, I was with Mr. Kooper when we saved that woman. How would I not know?”

Felicity quickly pulled him to a corner. “Honestly! You should’ve said you knew about it. You made me hold in my curiosity for so long.”

Davian rolled his eyes. “You didn’t even ask. How would I know that you were holding it in?”

Kisa plucked the hand on her waist again. However, the man stubbornly gripped her waist and refused to let go.

Kisa turned to him in frustration. “Don’t worry. It happened a long time ago. I won’t fuss over it.”

However, Gilbert did not believe her and continued holding her.

Just then, Gilbert saw something. His eyes immediately darkened as a hint of astonishment flashed across them.

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